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Notchosen Stories

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Rooted in cooperative-regenerative-prohealth assumptions supported  by sensory-neural resilience positively correlated with ecosystemic co-acclimating GoldenRule win/win continuous health/wealth-quality improvement trends, despite schools with Debate Teams and too little Cooperatively CoInvested Dialogue and Design and Planning Circles for healthy democratic multicultural resilient eco-political outcomes expected from local acting/global interdependent feeling eco-political empowerment and enlightenment re-creative and sacred co-redeeming experiences of win/win left/right confluent cooperative bicameral communication rhetorical events for cooperatively supporting individual ego-sensory-neural healthy resilience positively correlated with...

What are these days of mourning stories I choose not to tell about myself, my emotion-driven journeys to windy hot imagined future and remembered warm wet green and impossibly resilient blue past pre-historic paradise, before people and our mosquito and cockroach and locust and indoor rats and mice win/lose devolution issues. Are these stories whispering epic ego-passions darkly overpowering all social evils? Do such somber antagonists include evils of avoiding sojourner pilgrims triggered to mimic violent intolerance memories, rightwing hypocrisy-feeling nightmares rewinding leftwing conspiracy fears and anciently divisive angers about mortal time's insufficiency for cooperative healing Angry struggling to provide ego-autonomous identity's most resilient health insurance against landing on the Loser side of left/brain either/or Win/Lose evolutionary capitalistic patriarchal-privileged Theory That EcoFeminist Win/Win Wisdom Stories are a leftwing climate pathology claim to reclaim power against their Win/Lose RightWing Enemy. Are these untold ecofeminist stories of dyspeptic depressions, aggressive repressions, domestically violent discommunications, bipolarizing hypocrisy dissonance of too much cognitive/affective distance? Left and Right hemispheric division triggering sensory/neural Lose/Lose anxious absence of communicating nutritional nurturing positive energetic spirited Earth-dynamic dimension natured win-health/win-wealth resonance Lingering back through indigenous sacred good news health creation and re-creation stories I would prefer to hear about my own multiculturally cooperative self recalling local cognitive/emotive community win/wins As ego-patriarchal Yang slow-grows empowering narratives enlightened by eco-feminist Yintegrity's potential epic stories of re-creating healthy imagined futures empowering wealth-remembered pasts In warm wet eco-climate wombs of pre-imagined healthiest past non-tombed doomed Earth created for dealing rapturous lose/lose eco-nonsystemic eternal burning death To green recreation stories not chosen yet to retell together gathering win/win thanksgivings remembering Here reimagined Now a host regenerating Gratitude for sacred stories not yet remembered, chosen, and yet not privileged In our common EarthTribe beginning there was Light, So, even before this Light Story was our Dark Story of TaoTime and then Sacred Yintegral Light emerging nondualistic comparative darkness EgoLight and EcoDark Stories, Subjects with exterior unchosen dark objectives ruminating in perpetually revolving night in Gaia's sacred non-violent womb back toward tumescent Boom Ejaculating Yang/Yin stories not yet chosen to become healthstrong wealthflow Bold.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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