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Long Chips Poems

Long Chips Poems. Below are the most popular long Chips by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Chips poems by poem length and keyword.

Village In the Valley
Village in the Valley left behind, and then it's a fine find
Mountain in the the dark alleys of my mind

You're a flashlight
In the night
You are a friend 
Till the end
Bite the bullet
You're the village...

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Categories: chips, deep,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Ice Cream Gran 5 - Turbo, We Have a Problem
It’s heading for our planet at ten thousand miles an hour
To stop it all the experts say we haven’t got the power
All the nukes in all the world won’t constitute a plan
So someone said, ‘All...

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Categories: chips, grandmother, hero, space,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Slots poker machines unsolved murders Illinois
Lake county music company filled with 
slots carney folk real carny folk the little 
pete's illegal gambling road show throughout 
the  Midwest gaming like your idol Frank Peter 
Balistreiri the mad bomber stops Metropolis...

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Categories: chips, america, beautiful, blessing, integrity, march,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Blitzkrieg : a Kookaburra Laughs
“Now behind the eyes and secrets of the dreamers in the streets rocked to sleep by the sea, see the titbits and topsyturvies, bobs and buttontops, bags and bones, ash and rind and dandruff and...

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Categories: chips, dark, destiny, dream,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member One Thing That Love Is
Everything here is true
Just as stated
because it's already happened
or - it has yet to occur - 
but it's very soon to occur
and I have such strong feeling
that the future will be as I see it

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Categories: chips, dog, love, memory, sad,
Form: Free verse

A Free-Verse Epic
Thus it begins—
A free-verse epic
Into the mind of
A writer and an idiot—
A romantic and, 
Often a pessimist
Conjoined in arbitrary glory
Are the thoughts and words 
Of one overly-worked mind—
Charismatic and, of course,
On the pushover, pitiful
And usually...

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Categories: chips, beautiful, confidence, conflict, courage, deep, freedom, love,
Form: Free verse
Territory Trample
Headlights messaged through midnight windows 
Curtainless glass unable to subdue the urgency 
Car obtained in street nearby was theirs temporarily
Three hour drive to ship leaving island next morning

Two sixteen year old girls barely registered surprise...

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Categories: chips, 11th grade, change, conflict, for teens, journey,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Artificial Iris

"Artificial Iris"

Orwell was lurking in the background, somewhere;
the dream was eerily familiar, 
the words and their meanings, read in Syntax,
once read between pages of hardcopy in school 
were aptly ignored - 

our Overlords were...

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Categories: chips, surreal,
Form: Narrative
A Nice Couple the Tale of Jean and William Part 1 2 and 3
A nice couple. The Tale of Jean and William. Part 1

Jean Fallen was born in 1999 and had a lonely childhood. 
She grew up in Redfern but never went to school.
She lived with her mother...

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Categories: chips, 10th grade,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Chapter 137-- same day DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Desharah
Date:   April  2050

Same day:  
Damian walked with 
Godfrey Barrington Shadir and Matthias 
Isiah the others across to the
Other side of The estate to visit Desharah 
Damali and Sedanah. Arrival was
Swift. Damali...

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Categories: chips, allusion, child,
Form: Prose
Premium Member The External World of The Internal

“The External World of the Internal”

when the Internal 
finally woke up,

it was like all the words 
in that book, flew at It 
like flaming arrows, 
an external barage, a tale, 
of trading 10 for 50,

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Categories: chips, humanity, muse, satire,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Unquotable Quotes: Fat People - Xxix
Unquotable quotes: Fat People – XXIX

(I know this piece sounds mean and cruel but as every single parent must have experienced, this is also the expression of utter exasperation, and perhaps there’s also the slightest...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: chips, abuse, chocolate, depression, health, humor, hyperbole, natural
Form: Epigram
It Won'T Be Dark Forever
Daylight dies
Blackout the sky
Does anyone care
Is anyone there 
Enjoy this life 
Pop open a Sprite 
Roll over to the right and kiss my wife 
She's fast asleep
Daylight is trynna come 
It's trynna creep 
When she...

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Categories: chips, cheer up, depression, desire, encouraging, feelings, future,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chapter 144 -- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Offspring and Desharah's Birthday
Date:  October   2050

Cool October afternoon. Damali 
Damian Sidney Amadeus Dolly 
Molly and Holly planned a sort of 
small birthday celebration for Desharah
 and Sedanah both would soon be in
 the beginning of...

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Categories: chips, 11th grade, allusion, best friend, child,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Make Do and Mend
Make Do and Mend,

Years ago we had jobs
We had fun and money in our pocket
Things were much better then
Once you could go out the door
And never ever lock it

But still so many struggled
To buy food...

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© Peter Dome  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: chips, community,
Form: Verse
The Raisin In the Box of Chocolates
"I agree," Bayard murmured while looking at the few people walking I across the street. Summer was over and the boy was beginning to get frustrated at the sight of girls wrapped in blankets of...

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Categories: chips, cheer up, deep, inspirational, metaphor, truth, uplifting,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member This Poem May Kill Me, Or Not
Notes: I am putting the notes upfront, suicide is no laughing matter, however, anything that makes it something that can be discussed I think is a good thing. Humor really is an aid to many...

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Categories: chips, depression, introspection, lonely, psychological, suicide, drug,
Form: Light Verse
My Gramma S Couch
Won’t you please take me back
To the brown couch at my Gramma’s house 
With the big gold-framed antique mirror over it
And hand me Grampa’s old transistor radio
Covered in leather with glorious knobs
That brought me the...

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Categories: chips, family, grandmother, sad,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Like Water
Like water

I was the river
You were the sea
I dissolved into you
And thought I was free.
Out of the cage I flew
But landed on my knees 
As I tried to flee
The heavy clouds
And storms, of responsibility

Your love...

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Categories: chips, allegory, betrayal, confusion, courage, trust,
Form: Rhyme

Less than 24 hours,
2016 will take over and 2015 will be broken towers
It will be remembrance in a photo shoot album
Reminders of ups and downs in the past, present and future...making us feel numb and...

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Categories: chips, anxiety, art, cheer up, deep,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Softly Off-Colored Poem - 2
Poet's Pre-Notes: A poem from my 8th week in a Stanford continuing education class offered on the internet, a study of free verse and structure. The poem writing technique is to write as unconsciously as...

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Categories: chips, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Change
I am feeling the shock of fast change. How to cope with it is of course the question. Listen to Beethoven through the neighbor's window? Look up from the page? Appreciate doves even though they...

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Categories: chips, change, environment, hope, nature, sleep, strength, violence,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Heavens's Poker Game
In the beginning after God had finished creating this land.    
Satan boldly challenged the heavens for the absolute control of man.
Gods’ architectural blueprint stretched for ages across the sky 
He watered the...

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Categories: chips, bible, christian, conflict, emotions, encouraging, god, satire,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Child
A child lights our way in life...
The greatest gift there is to be.
They suppress our selfish inclinations...
They set our passions free.

They give sense to our mortality.
They put narcissism in its place.
With a child... you're a...

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Categories: chips, children, love, passion,
Form: Rhyme
The Birds
I looked out the window, what a sight.
A Cocky a crow, a Magpie all sitting on the bench looking towards me.
Suddenly the Cocky squawked what sounded like ' what you doing?'
No i had heard it...

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Categories: chips, age, appreciation, bird, blessing, friendship, love, uplifting,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Shattered Sighs