Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Village In the Valley
Village in the Valley left behind, and then it's a fine find Mountain in the the dark alleys of my mind You're a flashlight In the night You are a friend Till the end Bite the bullet You're the village in the valley Ignite the regret I'm the flag on the mountain that rolled into a dark alley Talking xo Thinking ox Dreaming xo Sinking ox Walking xo Zleep with me, make love to villainous Heros like me, you see? Excrete your exclamation points on me - In other words, yell at me all you want Your words, like castles in a nightmare, haunt and taunt I felt the gravity 69 times harder this time I felt the gravity negative 37...I'm commuting a rhyme rhyme Screwed up inspiration the moment someone calls me...putting up with mental and emotional silent fights Scatterbrained the moment you tainted me with your poisonous venom of wrongs and rights... I can hold my breath under above I can hold on to death even when I live...reviving my will to live Number 1 thing in mind - your love I can be bold when I want to...for if myself to give, Not take... Human instincts has my life at stake I ain't fake Take away the phantoms of the nightfall... Break away the fall leaves of the crumbled reminders of my free-fall Just a little busy with myself Feeling myself Feeling yourself Took so much BS I'm such a fail success Razor blades in your eyes Needle your way through me Tattooing your love loath oaths on truth lies in our lives of highs Fiddle with my strings, baby Tear away the cheater in me Steer away from the waters of wistful desires and errors Acting like no one cares hehe Munching on the chips of my secret admirers Troublesome liar... Put out the fire In me heart, oh lovely life cart Take heart or I'll shatter apart Shrugging away the words I speak Peace be with you, cheating death Reap what you sow and patch up the leak That let go of all of the Liquid of Lament in our busy lazy lives...take a breath Into me Into me... Inhale destiny Exhale reality Beat life into me No where to flee We are Queen and King Of our despondent tragedies Give me a Middle finger ring Because I messed it up...our temporary, blissful relationship full of happiness and miseries Back in time my mind turns to Up late again, sick of being apart of this corrupted crew Stone-hard love is what you gave, don't leave me to be with me...alown with my ghosts to a certain degree In return, I gave you black roses, splattered with my blood, my plea of free me...I'm so worthless and dainty I acted like a bitch, I'm sorry Fix me, I'm a backwards clock Change my future to beat the failures of the past...that would make me dance in glee Run the distance and be my rock Classical music plays in my mind Like a pingpong match all along Pop and rock music made me blind But, I love the ignorance...not fully understanding right and wrong Listen to song in my heart Listen to poetry I had in mind Listen plea-please Heal my-my disease Lost the grip of the hope rope I won't say my yes or nope To your danger-of-peril questions Sick of your senseless decisions Cope with me, the reckless slut and slave of sin Rape me with your gruesome passion...from deep within Snarky remarks I love, but secretly hate...what is my ultimate fate? How low or high is my emotional rate? Great... Snobby looks I undoubtably despise Arrogance and humility are opposites that attract like fish to bate Lately, I was looking up to the wise at least in my weary, naive eyes Mate, look into my mirror You'll see beauty you haven't seen yet inside and outside of you Disdainful rain made it a blur Sorry, don't know me and my true colors I bet! Hah, where have you been? What doesn't harm you Makes you last longer What doesn't kill you Makes you live stronger Moving on...before the break of dawn, dusk departs from me from now on and on and on Broken be, but God is a miracle-carver, rolling in my inner veins~~ A mender from the start to the finish line, hope is gone and seeking His ever-accepting son I haven't been to Harvard University, but it doesn't necessarily mean that I don't have brains (€@}) It's too late to change That's what I thought at first Why doubt? It's time to rearrange Beat this race of disgrace before we are assumed as the worst Who cares what they say This is our victory day Hush those haters and make us look greater than good It's all Good here, no room for fear, but of devouring faith food Off the ground Wings turn to ashes I can fly without physical powers without a sound Pockets full of cashes Villagers vocalize their shouts and praise...we are making their days like roses that sprout in the month of May - that's bae and my heart goes cray-cray these days Headed our direction in a single sugarcoated phrase I'm going through a phase of confident modesty You're going through a stage that I'm not on yet... We're on another page in sheer honesty Shake off the stress Shower me with alone belong Make me feel progress Write me a heartfelt song...dingdong someone's home - a haven you called friend all along You're a flashlight In the night You are a friend Till the end Bite the bullet You're the village in the valley Ignite the regret I'm the flag on the mountain that rolled into a dark alley Young and free That's what it's meant to be Flee from me, anxiety Embrace me, be happy Stay, don't stray I heard you flew with another bird Hey, don't go away I loved you, speaking lullabic poetry for you in every single way I pray you return the favor Sprinkle salt and pepper Upon my distasteful flavor You're a keeper, my beloved lemon pepper...I wanna hear your luv purrrr and your whispering murmur In my keen, hu-hungry ears... Longing to hear those words For a couple of marvel years... I apologize for the insults I threw at yah a while back...I heard they were absurd, but it came out as rapid as once-caged-freed-birds Beautiful you, morning dew Hideous me, cow's hilarious moo We were meant to be, booboo Shoo, hate, too... I'm the village in the valley You're the flag on the mountain You are Frankenstein in a dark, lonesome alley And I'm the man who's weeping a fountain For a secure foundation For our relevant relationship For the sake of your satisfaction Take a dip into my waters of wistfulness and get a grip We were once a wretched ship, sinking fast Now we are one with our friendship, growing vast Forget and forgive the future, present and past Let's make sure this adequate time spent together will never last As long as I am your valley And you, my mountainous alley
Copyright © 2025 J.W. Earnings. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry