Long Achieving Poems
Long Achieving Poems. Below are the most popular long Achieving by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Achieving poems by poem length and keyword.
The Injury of Fury~~**This poem is super long, but it took me hours to write. I hope you all enjoy reading this as I have enjoyed writing it wholeheartedly.**~~
Awful anger expressed in verses
Didn’t give me blessings, but curses
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achieving, anxiety, courage, deep, depression, desire, forgiveness, hope,
Free verse
Polypathic Political ScientistsI have had a highly redundant,
one might even choose polypathic,
graduate studies experience
spanning my adult life to date.
This began with a semester of Philosophy.
Just enough to learn I wanted something more experiential,
a more communitarian environment of...
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achieving, beauty, culture, health, political, religion, trust, truth,
Prose Poetry
Tuan Tata: Song of Uda - Parts One and Two TUAN TATA : Song of Uda - I
by T. Wignesan
(Patrick Noone, a British anthropologist, discovered the Ple-Temiar tribe living isolated in the jungle highlands in the State of Perak on the west coast of...
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achieving, death, murder, tiger, wife,
Dramatic Verse
Misguided MeditationsI am sorry
about my judgmental,
sadly disdainful,
in earlier messages.
Even worse,
I remain embarrassed
for spreading it out
for key staff
and leaders
to well-positioned see
and hear
and feel,
touched by wounded toxicity.
My training
and experience
includes victimized by homophobia
and healing through community mediation.
Within this...
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achieving, anxiety, appreciation, health, humor, motivation, peace, power,
Political Verse
Thor's Cave
In a small village in the green valleys of the Peak District, Sarah gave birth to a son, after a decade of trying for a child with her husband, Peter B Perfekt. It was...
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achieving, allusion, perspective,
Dante's Divine Comedy Hell Translation Canto Vii(Continuing the trip through Hell of Dante with poet Virgilio)
Pah-peh Sah-tan, Pah-peh Sah-tan al-ept!”,
Started Pluto with his hoarse voice toss
And that gentle wise, who any knowledge kept,
Told to encourage me: “don’t have a loss
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achieving, fantasy, universe,
Terza Rima
ProcrastinationThe invaluable dream you had in mind
Yesterday, you said you would take steps on achieving it tomorrow,
Yesterday's tomorrow has come today, so you still postpone it to tomorrow.
When will you stop procrastinating!
What is the connection...
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achieving, inspiration, inspirational, motivation, work,
Free verse
ProcrastinationThe invaluable dream you had in mind
Yesterday, you said you would take steps on achieving it tomorrow,
Yesterday's tomorrow has come today, so you still postpone it to tomorrow.
When will you stop procrastinating!
What is the connection...
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achieving, dedication, destiny, dream, fear, happiness, success, work,
Free verse
Foggy MayThis foggy sky
darkly and relentlessly rains
especially for an early May morning.
He is not prepared for darkness
seeping through new-born leaves,
not yet full grown into this year's trunk-lacing dress,
soaking up from saturated soil,
slurping into his compassionately
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achieving, age, culture, depression, destiny, earth, health, rain,
Parallelismus Membrorum
Optimal WinsWhat words do we choose for maximizing our ultimate accomplishments,
achieving our healthiest goals,
measuring our 100% successful therapeutic outcome projections?
Why do these words,
and our feelings about these choices
wave in and out of optimal happiness...
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achieving, beauty, deep, earth, environment, health, peace, poverty,
Prose Poetry
IntrospectivelyUnderstanding myself, and towards developing introvertedly
The parameters of today, yet most lay dormant inside of me
Questioning the how, as in such, the extended inner faculty
Fractured as then, it's an opposing end, and...
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achieving, depression, faith, fear, feelings, forgiveness, growth,
The Bible and Our Privileges"It is known that the Bible, in its hundreds of different translations, is the most widely distributed book in human history. The bible has been enormously influential, and not only among the religious communities that...
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achieving, bible, books, christian, creation, devotion, encouraging, inspiration,
Cloud of KnowingI believe it was Buckminster Fuller
who first posited
a prime appositional,
like Yang and Yin,
but his was:
Energy is to physical nature
as Information is to metaphysically languaged systems.
if we were to add the Yin and Yang
of this positivist-regenerative...
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achieving, health, humor, language, leadership, love, mental illness,
Political Verse
Father Time's Surprising Taoist IntimationsTell me,
Father Time,
if you would share this space
it would mean everything to me
to us, so kind
Choosing healthiest seasons
for your highest priority,
social-political-economic-cultural issues:
1. Chilling domestic economy
flat-line trends,
2. International peace intent
and springtime praxis,
3. Continuous...
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achieving, analogy, culture, earth, games, humor, psychological, time,
Up and About, Feeling EmptyI feel rather empty…
Flushed, confused, free me?
I’m feeling kinda dirty
To be honest, I’m fake happy
Wearing a smile like the rest of us
But, there’s a million rivers and fires between us
So, don’t throw me under the...
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achieving, abuse, adventure, anger, angst, anxiety, appreciation, betrayal,
Free verse
Onerous Task Confronted Teachers and ParentsOnerous task confronted teachers and parents
As prospective students
ably ready themselves to matriculate
and/or first set little feet
inside halls of learning,
I rebroadcast a poem crafted
at the height of Covid-19.
A couple years gone back educators
adaptation regarding coronavirus...
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achieving, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th
Free verse
I Celebrate You My FriendThe year that is about to make its last appearance
before it dies and is buried to be only given a place
in the history of our existence has brought ?e joy,
l° shall...
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achieving, adventuregod, people, god, love, people, time, perspective,
Material LifeAbsolute science and art of being whole
at one and under no delusion that
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achieving, art, dance, emotions, hate, life, science, world,
Earth Restoration GameWhen we encounter problems
in daily relationships,
as all species and individuals do,
from healthy time to wealthy RightBrain systemic rhyme,
practicing nutritional v toxic awareness
facilitates RealTime health preparedness
for what is not not causing power-stuckness challenges
to otherwise healthy nests...
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achieving, games, health, integrity, political, psychological, science, social,
Free verse
God Is Humor SensedLove wants nothing to do
with the everyday affairs of men.
Love's only intention
is to catch the lover!
God wants nothing to do
with the routine affairs of men,
God's only intention
is to catch the lover's attention!
I wonder if Freud's...
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achieving, confusion, god, humor, identity, nature, psychological, science,
Free verse
Beloved Complex CommunityMy fetal alcoholic bipolar:
“sometimes I experience low anxiety
and act like a happy drunk”
like when entering new places
and situations,
I experience high anxiety
and act like a very bad
and mean-spirited drunk
with immense juvenile curiosity and overload,
near total...
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achieving, community, culture, discrimination, earth, environment, faith,
Advent Funeral With BirthdayThe coincidence of Advent
and the HW Bush eulogies
reminded me of DJ Trump's challenge
to laugh about himself
at least as quickly and quietly as he laughs against others.
As compared to any recent US President,
he comes in dead...
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achieving, anti bullying, birthday, bullying, health, humor, integrity,
Political Verse
FatherIf death had a fee I would gladly pay
To see my beloved father everyday
How can I forget this good man
Who left us on the 10th of May
Despite that I prayed to the Lord each and...
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achieving, death, father, god,
Correcting Unhealthy InaccuraciesEarthMother senses a difference
between Political Correctness
and everyday domestic political accuracy.
Political accuracy grows best
and sprouts up healthiest rooted
in directly observed EarthNatured experience
While CapitalInvested Political Correctness
is more shallow sandy shifty rooted
in some LeftBrain dominant
EgoPatriarchal WorldView Theory
of competitively...
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achieving, earth day, health, mother, peace, political, power,
Political Verse
Being a Part of Something BeautifulWorking on achieving a "beautiful mind and body"is in itself being a part of something "Beautiful".The "Creator" who is "The Lord God Almighty" created good and evil,and he gives man and womankind and E.T....
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achieving, 1st grade, 9th grade, america, angel, anger,