Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Foggy May
This foggy sky darkly and relentlessly rains especially for an early May morning. He is not prepared for darkness seeping through new-born leaves, not yet full grown into this year's trunk-lacing dress, soaking up from saturated soil, slurping into his compassionately empathic zero-zen night deep dark sensory flight. Perhaps this open quality endears him to those few who could ever find him enough to watch him Satisfied to hear Her watching, mothering, noticing appreciating but not smothering hope for less rain inside today, each lonely day, all Earth's painful Days. Wet liturgical Mays dissolve his Taurean ways. Yet, for him, damp mist spawning now, such dark openness yawns too large for even one dreary lonely hour of foggy isolation. His two complexly compromised clients have gone, disempowered deep sensory tissues and unenlightened as usual verbally dominant "YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING NORMAL RIGHTWING" Nonviolent neuro-tissue communion non-communication Win bright-enabled Lose dark-disabling issues Monday morning until late afternoon. As he contemplates his decadent ways he misses their distracting charms. Each so different. Yin so loudly and frankly Trumpian, triumphalist DoubleBoundaries for insiders 0-sum against Othered Outsiders, threats to social health and civil safety and passion mind's peak pleasure-abled bodies Darkly struggling against significant undiagnosed Yang v Yin bipolarized control issues. Meanwhile monotrumpistic Yang, devoid of YinMother's warm accompaniment, unable to speak or sign, so hidden behind dark mists of body lust shame non-LeftBrain monotheistic nonverbal mind distrust shame Still mysteriously flickers his yintegrity-shy shadow of rich warm passioned love Deeply immersed in hidden vulnerable transparently neuro-sexsensual life, right-now ripe for passion's bodhisattva co-redemptive enlightened pleasures Deep dark mysteriously safe and health-resonant feel/touch peace-filling climax time each Elder Indigenously WiseBrain moment graciously emerging from his co-arising depolarizing bodhisattva past to spin toward future win/win AnthroMind yang-touched and EarthBody yin-felt Co-messianically cherished neuro/eco-sexsensory panentheistic memories of sacred MotherEarth's polypathic deep dark Non-1/NotNot-0 WholeSum mythic mysterious mist-felt fore-shadowed grace. But, what's left of right bicameral felt passionately safe natural health and pleasantly spiritual indigenously animating wealth wisdom now S/he must sustain thru dark raining dreams of Trumpian rape and matricide without Left-hemisphere voice or Right-hemisphere neuro-sexsensory health-wealthy thriving resilience-seeking enabling enlightened choice. All would be Trumpian Messiahs suffer withdrawal from feeling needed, unworthy of becoming truly bodhisattva impassioned peak embodied pleasure yintegrally needed and yang-strong wanted. Ironic, a MultiCultural Communication Muse, rightwing systemic trauma-informed, unstraight-ecofeminist PeaceWarrior, actually achieving good compassion and health-pleasure outcomes with fractured non-singers and non-dancers Sitting on his sagging butt in full-blowing Spring, the one deeply panentheistic boddhisattva wheelhouse most needed to accelerate global networking cooperative neuro-sexsensory healthcare outcomes, challenging each family and all climatic systems with Yang-enraptured dominance, right here and now in this post-religious degeneration of un-ecologically disenabling greatness and unenlightened smallness, daily dark senseless win/lose aggressive and dysfunctional transitions Yet he feels hopeless, not knowing where S/he could ever begin again so late in his biological RightWing verbally dominant straight-jacket already showing concerns that "Black Lives Matter" but maybe not so much old black, or queer white, or even outside-touch/inside-feel green co-passionate lives matter beyond our retiring consumer usefulness. We all help make great compost when we die. It's getting in there, revitalizing win/win communication communion and playtasks, embracing all sacred compassion/pleasure health/wealth peak experience bodhisattva vocations, once and for all, discontinuing myths that sacred matriarchal peace is some mysterious rite reserved to fill empty historic space in-between great YangPatriarchal wars. How does one deep sacred tissue retiring RightWing systemic trauma informed transparent and vulnerable guardian best contribute resilient peak experienced bodhisattva co-redemptive experiences touch and feel crown and root healthy Yang and wealthy Yin co-passions? Within this complex neuro-sensory ecosystem? this cooperative win/win community? This safe and health wealthy neuro-diverse family? This primal co-empathic relationship with ecopolitical EarthMother associations and all Her warm baptisms and wet climax transportations and wild tribal dialects and re-ligioning repurposes and transubstantiating win/win impassioned pleasure bodhisattva peace regenerations? While sitting on a rain-drenched porch, writing dark-mist stories of touch-phobic dissipation, while Earth calls for WinYang/WinYin Bodhisattvas to heal within Her as we together cry this early May rain morning, under foggy dripping monotheistic sadistic skies.
Copyright © 2025 Gerald Dillenbeck. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry