Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.
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Enter Poem or Quote (Required)Required Tell me, Father Time, if you would share this space it would mean everything to me to us, so kind Choosing healthiest seasons for your highest priority, comprehensive social-political-economic-cultural issues: 1. Chilling domestic economy flat-line trends, 2. International peace intent and springtime praxis, 3. Continuous Summary Improvement health care practices mediating full growth co-engagement resilient wealth value, 4. Eco-centric and -logical regenerative enlightening autumnal revelations in response to climatic, yet chronic, transitions, co-harvesting cooperative win/win paradigm reformulation. Yes! timelessly offered lifeskills Health and WealthMaster Time. Trying again: In the unlikely event that you have the capacity to give a straight answer to a co-revolving economic and political question, theoretically far afield from your sacred temporal expertise, Which of these four options best fits your crystal-ball signs of multiculturally resonant impact, empowerment, woke-fullness, critical climatic co-responsiveness to Quinnipiac College survey synergetic trends across most likely voters in our next national election? Oh, so glad you finally said so. Let's see... Winterish One is too sad and hopeless at either national or international levels, but maybe if we interpreted "domestic" as 'familial' and/or 'local' or even 'tribal' branches of Non-0 Earth-root systems... It's against untimely language rules to make up associations that do not meet unorthodox dis-enculturating standards of perfect timely space. I would respond, but I hardly know where to begin reiterating the total number of double-negatives within your un-naturally disembodied logos. This has always been a problem for me, knowing where to mind begin, to body end, to continue our story. Anyway, Number Two glares too starry-eyed for prickly realists, academics, attorneys and pyramid-structured financial insurance agents for struggling real property commodifiers and landlords, and ladies, of Earth's UnGreening Commons. Number Three is too "political liberal v economic conservative " associated in the U.S., which is one of the few places on Earth where health-assurance continues to be a debated political and economic issue, rather than an Earth Health Rights environmentally inclusive ecological imperative to respond to global insufficiency of time critically screeching wilting, extinguishing, sun-worshipers' refuge-seeking demands. Number Four speaks most clearly to our stormy TransMillennial emergence generation, syncing economic health and ecological wealth trends while balancing Yang EarthBodies with Yin AnthroMinds. So, for young adults through infants of all currently incarnating and co-evolving species, I suggest Number Four, to optimize culturally transformative healthy wealth clout-- Internal, like external, climatic change continues to forewarn we are over-armed with mutually ex-tended ballistics while under-anchored in mutually co-arising in-formative ballast; organic Earth's co-intelligent red sky. It is like pulling wisdom teeth without appropriately timed and functional anesthetics to follow your run-on temporal syntax. Father Time, your words are too dense for normal neural travel. If you were consulting a potential political policy to empower globally inclusive economic incubation, which of the following four options is your strategic choice for co-mediating with Earth's timely evolving residents as faithfully and lovingly and effectively and regeneratively as possible through our internal and external climatic need for a positively healthy enculturing revolution, strategically designed to deliver sustainable win/win health/wealth body/mind outcomes through life's projected eternity on planet Earth? 1 Eco-normic thermodynamic politically dormant balance? 2. Increasing healthy multisystemic ecotherapeutic plantings in-between anthro- and eco-systems? 3. Achieving a monotheistically accepted eco-logical polycultured metaparadigm of panentheistic Fullerian Midway Tipping Points as permacultural Yang/Yin win/win co-operative harmonic wu-wei discernment for ego/eco-summer co-climaxing resilient health/wealth outcomes, 4. Harvesting PermaCultural his/herstory might mind suggest reiterating prior embodied cycles of spiral-octave polycultural reseeding evolution Redefining SpaceTime's 4-prime bi-equivalency, sustaining enculturation's cooperative economics with co-arising Win/Win political co-empowerment.
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