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Lite Poems - Poems about Lite

Premium Member On The Sea of Love
LOVE can conquer all, they say EVIL cannot prevail LIFE is sweet when lived this way FILL, with wind, the sail LIFT me from this darkness, the darkness where I drown... TILL, floating, burdens fall from me, none can...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, freedom, hope, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Funereal-Lite
Bury the hatchet, I always say We’ve enough firewood in the hallway ...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, anger, light, violence, word
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Beautiful Butterfly Lite Don'T Just Fly Away-
o' butterfly light lite unto my eye color foray flicker don't ~ do not fade spun so ever more around me so cavalcade beauty ~ beautiful flowing so butterfly butterfly nigh! don't fly away 2/6/22 Written words by James Edward Lee...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, beautiful, butterfly, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Lite Brite and Connecting the Dots
When I gaze up at the evening sky (by the way I think everybody should) I’m often reminded of my younger days…back in my childhood. Back when I played with my Lite Brite…for often I would sigh…when...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, stars,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Lite-Bulb Blinked
Oh! the lite-bulb blinked it did I felt it but what was it and where is it now or light is too fast ~ or truth never lasts...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, light,
Form: Imagism

Lite My Pyre
If you wanted my beating heart You should’ve treated it right from the start Yet you set me on fire cause you hate yourself Watched my burning pyre As you berate yourself Now my carcass smolders In the ashes...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, fire, goodbye,
Form: Free verse
Star Lite
Some people are up to no good And seldom behave like they should When in Tinseltown They let their hair down Knowing starlets like Holly would...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member A Lite-Pink Band In the Sky
A lite-pink band in the sky midst powdery baby-blue I thought to myself, 'But why?' Does it herald the birth of a girl cared for by five loving brothers Or perhaps it's a cotton-candy twirl Could it...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, color, rose, sky,
Form: Rhyme
In the Lite of Time
One day when the yoke of sentiment Is broken and burnt to ashes our minds The mind of morality will question us with The lengths of our destruction rather than our Achievements in our society One day when...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, brother, butterfly, care, celebration,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Night Shine Star Lite--
be bright oh! bright star; twinkle within the night-shine; glow often always;...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, star,
Form: Haiku
Galaxy Lite-Brite
She takes the stars up in the sky And connects their dots at night Like a giant Etch A Sketch Her own Galaxy Lite-Brite Using neon highlighter All the colors she can find Drawing close the Cosmos She closes both her...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, star,
Form: Rhyme
Not just a plastic peg You reflect the light below Born into a guiding template Cast members for the show We play until our light burns out Game rules as old as time Look within and find the source A...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, games, philosophy, self,
Form: Rhyme
Summers Night Lite Sky's
Summer sky's have never seem so dark I think I'm tearing us apart My past is to deep to keep us hear Listing to the birds chirp as the sun rise Seeing the moon fade away and hide...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, boyfriend, break up, deep,
Form: I do not know?
I Lite His Life
I can see it in his face in his walk in his grace by the way he looks me in my eyes a blaze so deep a vision in my eyes that melt me weak...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, beautiful, black african american,
Form: Lyric
When I see your smile I see a smile that's true When I see a smile That knows what I've been through When I see that smile Covered with a frown I know that frown Is longing for my smile Smiles...Read the rest...
Categories: lite, dedication, longing, smile,
Form: Blank verse

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