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Laser Poems - Poems about Laser

Laser Poems - Examples of all types of poems about laser to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for laser.
Premium Member The Ghost Of A Laser Beam
I would be a miracle Caught in my display. Another face and another name Caught in a colored way. Stylistic stipulations. There is soft iron somewhere. The ghost of a laser beam Gunning at my head. While I remember a dance I never...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Laser Beam Focused
Laser Beam Focused Whichever the dream it is fundamental you remain ...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, perspective,
Form: Free verse

Laser Show
twilight shades of moon lotus immersed sparkling pond stars gaze laser show Dated 22nd May 2020 Sponsor Regina Riddle Contest Name Nature Haiku...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, light, nature,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Laser Treatment
Imagine if you noticed a deterioration in your sight How would that suddenly and forever change your life Happily, if it's just cataracts A simple procedure corrects Laser treatment is worth the inconvenience at any price...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, eve,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Quadro Sky Laser
QUADRO Sky Laser Western sky laser, beams golden rays in linear. Touching sullen rooms, it leaves starry nights to gazers. 1/12/17 26 syllables QUADRO - Poetry Contest Sponsored by: nette onclaud...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, beauty, sunset, , western,
Form: Verse

LASER Laser beam you are so focussed All I wish is to be like you Single colour uni-directional Every life's path I wish be so Ray of coherent energy with uses plenty wish I ...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, art,
Form: Acrostic
My Secret Laser Prayer Ray
I always carry it with me and never leave home without it It's something that you can't see but anyone could be hit Someone who is just walking past or even driving by in their car For this...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, blessing, jesus, lost, love,
Form: Rhyme
Black Cat With Two Laser Guns
night mare of two eyes ...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, cat,
Form: Haiku
Laser Focused
Red dot of light Glides across the room Must capture this intruder She crouches down Ready to attack As the dot moves closer Pouncing into action She slides on the floor But the dot eludes her again Determination in her eyes She attacks once more With...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, cat, fun, funny, pets,
Form: Free verse
Male Laser Lifting
Male Laser Lifting At first I just couldn’t believe it The spas out in sunny LA Are offering “Male laser lifting” For which some guys are willing to pay The locals call it “tackle tightening” Some call it just “ironing the...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, fathers day, for him,
Form: Rhyme
Shoots a Laser Gun
shoots a laser gun at rows of quick aliens - - they invade with ease for Gwendolen’s Video Game Extravaganza contest...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, nostalgia,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member As Penetrating As a Laser and Sweet Like a Fresh Berry
From the Brothers! Living in a dysney World without Hurt, hatred trashed and smashed in the Oven, as our feelings bring us closer. Shown Kindness, explicit and Proven, earning each other's emotional Visa, not caring if the benefits are even, because this...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, brother, family, fantasy, friendship,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Laser Lover
Bedroom barriers Radiate Vintage idolatry Pining protoplasms Levitate Wizardry Nimble fusion peaks Passion howls Velvet vanity In unison we touch Multilateral we twine A fluorescent collage Lasers...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, fantasy, imagination, passion, romance,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Cat Scan By Philips Laser Aperture
Overcome with fear when I saw the aperture It was a Philips a well known brand that is good Right in front it said it is a laser_now insecure Does that mean it cuts with that bright light...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, fear, health, fear,
Form: Quintain (English)
Laser Diode
The Engineer plugs in the new data and machines churn to life the Breach screams into being The stars are faint beneath the city lights the one I wish on is faintest of all "Keep your favorite words of mine tattooed on...Read the rest...
Categories: laser, angst, science fiction
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry