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Irregardless Poems - Poems about Irregardless

Irregardless Poems - Examples of all types of poems about irregardless to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for irregardless.
Shatter the Delusion
...Shatter the Delusion Enormity of lies Creates infallible illusion Humanity obeys unable to resist, as though with some instinct of feigned rebellion, were it ever really enough - for Earth'......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, confusion,
Form: Prose Poetry
On Earth Can Sanity Ever Prevail
...On Earth Can Sanity ever Prevail..? It is really a veritable question of our time, In fact - of all times, on this once beautiful molten rock with sea and sand, We so avidly call our home Pa......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, earth,
Form: Dramatic Verse

So Many Seduced by Rhythmic Pendulum of Trauma and Absurd Normalcy
...So Many Seduced by Rhythmic Pendulum of Trauma & Absurd Normalcy.. Intelligent musical talent begins with this, to relearn the timing within our soul, But other tactical psychological methods are......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, humanity,
Form: Ballad

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member outside my window
...Outside my window are voices that speak in the direction I am looking. They are trying to convince me of something. They argue and cajole, they laugh and admonish. Sometimes they threaten. They tell ......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, 9th grade, angst, anti
Form: Narrative
Media and Technology
...MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY _*Dafina Catens Welcome to media Where been single is proposing to everyone Asking for help will get more likes than comments Fake news will be made true The new catch w......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, anger, art, world,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Thus Spoke Brother Moji
...Thus Spoke Brother Moji (not Zarathustra) With all due respect, irrespective of with regards to I have no respect for irregardless. July 5, 2021 Boulder, Colorado......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, 10th grade, anxiety, bible,
Form: Epic
Premium Member These Are the Times
...“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, america, patriotic, political, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sewing and Reaping
... Sewing And Reaping By: Miracle Man October 30, 2020 Some are content to follow another person’s path, while others have a penchant for marking their own. But irregardless of what lie......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, god, inspirational, judgement,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member I Coulda, I Shouldn'Ta, But I Woulda
...illusion, allusion affect and effect irregardless, regardless precede and proceed alright and all right maybe and may be Can I or May I? Could he? You wanna? -- I'm gonna Didn't y......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, language, word play,
Form: Light Verse
The Happeneth of Time
...Willed and unwilled by humankind Likened and unlikened by mankind Chanced and unchanced It happens like no man's dream Planned or unplanned Forseen and unforseen Imagined and unimagined Ha......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, analogy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Staying Focused
... Staying Focused Written: by Miracle Man 3/8/2020 God said, keep yourselves, ready for action, always staying focused on the chore ahead. When I let annoyances steal my traction, the......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, christian, god, inspiration,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member English Teacher
...Our vain English teacher Miss Larue Flaunts bad grammar without a clue, Roars she, ‘ You’re scores is down Irregardless, don’t frown’— Her job , we guess, the school w......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, teacher, words,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Time Cannot Erase
...My mind reels through your last days love Helpless we were to do anything but pray Through my selfish tears I let you go No cure no treatment nothing to say My dearest friend you were to me Im......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, cancer,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Come Before You Lord It's You That I Need
...I Come Before You Lord It's YOU That I NEED by James Edward Lee Sr. Lord I come before you, blinded by the darkness Fallin into the valley I Come Before You Lord It's YOU That I NEED Lord I......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, appreciation, assonance, blessing, community,
Form: Free verse
...Insignificant —————— Relevance is but a grim word told to those who do not care to matter. Irregardless, though it may seem, was my forethought once said then severed clean. Make haste, for your ......Read the rest...
Categories: irregardless, absence, anxiety, conflict, dedication,
Form: Rhyme

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