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Irish Poems - Poems about Irish

Irish Poems
Irish Poems - Examples of all types of poems about irish to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for irish.
Premium Member To The Irish Poets
They are all gone now, Heaney, Mahon and Longley the last to go. Their words speak to these troubled times with a lasting humanity. Thanks be to poetry's Irish trinity. ...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, poets,
Form: Free verse
GO IRISH I was hoping your sweatshirt still smelled like you The Old Spice fragrance that I once knew. But over the years, it faded too The twenty-two years that I've missed you. );...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, father, missing you,
Form: Rhyme

restrain'd Irish Rail
. 'tiz true ...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, adventure, beautiful, blessing,
Form: Carpe Diem

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A friendly Irish man
Friendly Irish man Walk in the cemetery Contemplation on past And the present, and walk Nice and non-awe-inspiring time Just walk and walk. Only walk Thinking, photography, silence Peaceful local life in this old time Presented the ancient time; felt life Oh, my love This...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, friend, friendship, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Irish Piglet Fine
we pearl like pink carnations welcomed the Irish piglet fine He had travelled to our village through the Eager Emerald mine. His magic tricks were amazing, his positivity a light to shine. He uplifted the whole village and...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Monorhyme

Saint Pat's green everywhere some Irish...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, holiday,
Form: Haiku
A Dead Irish Poets Opinion
I niver, I niver I na na no never Pretended to know so much I niver, I niver I na na no never Knew a such and a such I knew spirits of ladies Soft sweet and fair Will...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, confusion, discrimination, gothic, image,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Soul Friend - POTD
To travel far Along the road To live so long And not be told That from the clay Where hearts complete There will be one Your heart will meet To tend your wounds Let anxious cease Wrap with arms Of total peace To walk those miles And not...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, friend, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Not a rose
chasing the heat haze on the highway smoking a spliff while "let it roll” plays praying to feel your touch by Friday without adding another cross on the byway I haven’t seen the world as it is for a...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, addiction, anger, conflict, corruption,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Irish Proverb
Irish Proverb A long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A good girl and an honest one. A cold pint and another one. By Josehf Lloyd Murchison...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, analogy, angel, beautiful, cute,
Form: Other
Premium Member Irish Coffee
Irish coffee Sunday ...soft sweet buzz rolling around in my mind there's her-- a thousand miles away and me-- stuck since Christmas preparing to leave a bad man I am to be restless as water flowing right into every crevice of her being every...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, freedom,
Form: Free verse
Tir na nog - A Tragic Epic Saga
Tír na nÓg - A Tragic Epic Saga ye hear, of a leprechaun and a unicorn who met in a field’s corner a he and she, she killed by a tree, when it fell he couldn’t warn...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, dark, fantasy, fun, funny,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Interview with the Irish Wind
Interview – 3-21-24 For Paddy Ch. Quick as a Wink 6/26/2010 – 3/8/24 › poem › interview_with_the_irish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interview With the Irish Wind Wind from the heart of Eire, come abide with me for a moment ...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, wind,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Real Irish Cat
In County Cork prowls a cat, David Kavanagh Bellies up to the bar with Gilbey's glass in paw Drown the shamrock, sound the alarms Lassies abound, his lucky charms Blaring cheery shout outs of Erin Go Bragh! ...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, celebration, silly,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member the eejits finally got the hint
She wrote down “Erin go Braugh or go home It was the beginning of her St Paddy’s day poem A couple of eejits were staring at her now Her corn beef and cabbage was fully a wow! She took...Read the rest...
Categories: irish, march,
Form: Rhyme

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