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Interchangeable Poems - Poems about Interchangeable

Interchangeable Poems - Examples of all types of poems about interchangeable to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for interchangeable.
Premium Member The Picture on the Parlour Wall
... Reflection lies elsewhere. I'm beneath, though beyond this glass, captured between layers, framed- caught, yet not within the paint, nor resting upon its lustre. Intangibly everything and noth......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, angst,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Consciousness
... Within the dark mystery of evening, he listens to two interchangeable discourses One the gentle persuader, the other, life's ultimate blamer. Troubled by these seething exchanges, both consc......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, integrity, introspection,
Form: Verse

Premium Member I miss
...NOTE: Sedoka syllable count is interchangeable Ichikatauta: 5-7-5 Nikatauta: 5-7-5 Sedokada: 5-7-7 5-7-7 SETUP: I was THE baby ~~0~~ They wer......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, brother, death, family, father,
Form: Sedoka

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...BEHOLD!!! I am!! Silence. The vocal minority grip at our sensibilities and demand our attention outwards. Monkeys, our smaller cousins that, though looking alike, are alien in their outlook. ......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member How to move forward
...The be all and end all So rapid in and out of context Illusion mostly, loitered in Facts change We are not in a whirlpool The end and the beginning Interchangeable often Pins and needles Re......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, happiness,
Form: Free verse

Little Toy Brick Man
...for your information I am not a little toy brick man with U shaped hands and interchangeable heads but the world I live in is......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, humorous, imagination, introspection, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In Memory Of
...I like to think that if I can think it there is way somehow someway the then and now interchangeable each palm holding a kingdom the weight of my heart would suffice......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, devotion, emotions, feelings, grief,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member True Trans To Paradigm
...What do I project? Some of what I have Absorbed. Also, that which I have Reflected upon and have parts of rejected! I am aware there is a so-called church of The Devil – I am cognizant of the dri......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, appreciation, identity, life, truth,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Thoughts For Sale Tbstifm
...Why am I calm, brain please present a list of worries Where am I supposed to be, just worry about that once you've started walking Wouldn't it be lovely to... change every aspect of my personal......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Baby Steps
...When people talk about traveling to the past they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small. But rarely do they think about doing something small, to radically ch......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Making Out
...Her head was on last night. She has many different heads - there interchangeable. She's no potato head though just a figure of speech and expression with lots of playful parts. When her hea......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Absurdity
...Lo, Meursault, the hero, of the novel, 'the outsider', Is spun by absurdity, like the web of a spider. Neither religion nor society does affect him, Nor does anything like Faith and Hope make hi......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, life, people, psychological,
Form: Couplet
Your Loss
...“your trauma doesn’t define you” my trauma does not define me only if i allow it to if i allow the shadows to envelope me into their embrace only if i allow myself to fall through their makeshif......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Limerick of Lamentation
...This is a fictional conversation between a fictional young Nazi and a fictional young Jew (I made them up entirely, they are not characters from one of the holocaust books I've read); both of whom sh......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, emotions, friend, holocaust, horror,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Buddha Speak
...Here are some questions, dear poets on Poetry Soup. As we look in within, we may find answers we have been looking for, beyond narrow conditioning and dogmatic beliefs. There can be more than one ‘ri......Read the rest...
Categories: interchangeable, spiritual,
Form: List

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry