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Your Loss

“your trauma doesn’t define you” my trauma does not define me only if i allow it to if i allow the shadows to envelope me into their embrace only if i allow myself to fall through their makeshift clouds becoming a part of the world that was created for me from the many tears shed from the “you never say i love you” from the hugs never received from the touches i couldn’t understand from the secrets i swore to keep only then only then only then will my trauma mean my name only then will the calling of isabelle drive my stories through their closed drawers forcing themselves to be seen in the light only then do i become interchangeable the separation of me and what was unfolded unto me ceasing to exist then and only then will my trauma define me “your trauma doesn't define you” this i now know to be true as my trauma is not a reflection of my accomplishments my smile or the laughter that rings out from my throat when my friends are within my presence it is not a reflection of my passions it does not define me who i've become it is but a flower one that must be treated with care allowed to blossom and explore but it does not create the whole bouquet it co-exists with all the other flowers each individual one creating a maze of colors, patterns all equating to me isabelle my trauma does not define me i win your loss

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/29/2023 9:02:00 AM
Thank you for your exposition on trauma. I was struck by your wisdom that trauma is but a flower in a bouquet of a person's life and must be treated with care. But if I may make an observation, does a daffodil feel win and loss? Letting go of trauma yet weathering insults as you have is to close the separation as you have deftly penned. I hope you win .. bravo
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