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Initiator Poems - Poems about Initiator

Initiator Poems - Examples of all types of poems about initiator to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for initiator.
Premium Member A Profound Connection
... Twice a day a Jew must say ‘Shema Yisroel’ – ‘Hear, O Israel The Lord, our God, the Lord is One’ * Early morning, late in the eve twice a day, no reprieve ‘The Lord, our......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, friend, god, jewish, prayer,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Imagist Mvp Hulme
...Filling his verse with metaphor Vers libre,not metre was the core, He lit the fuse and walked away- So little did his talent yield,for He left his light on Flanders Field Tribute to T E Hulme ......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, poets,
Form: Rhyme

The Last 4 Years and the Coming Decade 4
...In Jan 6. 2021, a number of his myrmidons from all parts of the country converged to Washington to seize and squat the Capitol mansion following his seditious malarkeys, ending this country's long un......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, america, international, introspection, political,
Form: Prose

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Now Is the Time
...Now is the time for a visionary Where is that visionary Now is the time for an initiator Where is that initiator Now is the time for a steady hand Where is that steady hand Now is t......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, inspiration, leadership,
Form: Verse
Face Telegraph
...this is where my tale wings away past the clutches of the irascible Chadwick up past the hinges and the curly cue and its vocabulary roofing tiles preparing to adapt once again placing the bello......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, how i feel,
Form: Free verse

...Africana, a poem that details the pre - colonial, colonial and post -colonial Africa, her rich history, struggles and unique cultural heritage in a picturesque execution. Africa will Rise Up Ta......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, africa, black love, books,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Id Like To Shake the Hand
...Who defined “certifiably insane”? You see, it too closely defines those who are running this world. The place where technology steals jobs; Airplanes, crash more than they fly; ......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, allusion, anger, corruption, how
Form: Prose
Premium Member Stop By and Listen
...Alpha to omega Beginning to our end, For all to see Who is,was and will be. Alpha to omega Ruler,initiator Above,beyond our time Banishing strife,fountain of life. To listen for his call,......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, christian, words,
Form: Didactic
Blind Faith
...Blind Faith So, even the expression, blind faith, makes my blood boil. I've had one too many conversations with "intellectuals" who disdainfully look down on us believers for believing in a Cr......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, creation, truth,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member The Original Imagist post inspired by Constance contest Filling his verse with metaphor Vers libre,not metre was the core, He lit the fuse and walked away- So little did his talent yield,for He left his light o......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, imagery, poetry,
Form: Verse
Premium Member A Rainbow Incensed
...I like faint fire I feel fueling me with fervor for far off places without you I like sweet scent of spring I smell when you fan the flames ignited by your carefree hand I like warmth seepi......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, anger, forgiveness, freedom, hurt,
Form: Bio
Fugitive From the Special School
...A fugitive from society, A fugitive from the makers of the nook, A prisoner in my special school, A convict to the female OT department, look. Not needing occupational therapy from a woman,......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, culture, health, mother daughter,
Form: Free verse
...Carols let you in on history and its interpretation, Church thought and theological progression, Show that people and writers have learnt the lesson, Not to believe in god so thoroughly and to b......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, baby, birth, christian, christmas,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Ahh What Do I Want
...God has given me everything But still I don't know what I want What interests me? Don't know It's like everything I had wanted God gives And the ultimate of all - I got it the other day Peac......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, faith,
Form: Free verse
Whole Again
...WHOLE AGAIN While young on the ladder of growth, I boarded a similar covenant ship; Having summoned the great Teacher, And sworn a thick fealty – hinged on An immutable decision to pave way For......Read the rest...
Categories: initiator, faith,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry