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Poems by Speare Earth Poetry

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Below are poems written by Nigeria poet Speare Earth Poetry . If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Speare Earth Poetry .

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Best Speare Earth Poetry Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/02/2020 My Home -Owa Mwen 792 Didactic
05/13/2020 Ode To My Guardian Angel - Ehi Mwen - 308 Ode
04/17/2020 The Story of a Ghetto Boy 240 Didactic
04/13/2020 Blackboy From a Lith Book of Tales For Kwakwekokou 397 Heroic Couplet
04/11/2020 Covid19 794 Didactic
04/07/2020 Uhuru 388 Quatrain
04/06/2020 Amasowonmwan 636 Didactic
04/06/2020 An Ode To the Hearth 650 Ode
12/28/2019 The Africans of Old 687 Didactic
11/12/2019 Life 831 Ode
08/28/2019 Greys People 302 Ode
08/26/2019 Our, Own Heroes 356 Didactic
08/22/2019 Ten Shillings 307 Dramatic Verse
08/21/2019 Wherever 430 Epic
08/16/2019 Mother Says 630 Didactic
08/16/2019 I Too 375 Carpe Diem
07/31/2019 An Ode To 150cefa 'Francs' 487 Ode
07/29/2019 To the Man Who Fishes At the Beach 426 Didactic
07/28/2019 Piss 433 Free verse
07/27/2019 African Love 409 Didactic
07/27/2019 Rain 487 Didactic
07/09/2019 E Luuu -An Elegy- 397 Elegy
06/15/2019 Naked 1599 Ode
06/15/2019 Who Knows 374 Didactic
06/12/2019 Find Peace 272 Didactic
06/12/2019 When a Man Dies 410 Verse
05/27/2019 Ii 332 Verse
05/27/2019 I 316 Haiku
05/27/2019 African Heat 501 Verse
05/12/2019 Mother -Igbo Edition 1869 Ode
05/11/2019 Adaora - An Orphan's Tale - 448 Didactic
05/10/2019 Ramadan Kareem 1161 Didactic
05/08/2019 The Curse On My Lineage 515 Prose Poetry
05/08/2019 Life Regardless 271 Didactic
05/08/2019 Fight 424 Didactic
05/07/2019 On Cultism 1376 Didactic
05/02/2019 The Man Who Always Says Tomorrow 490 Didactic
04/30/2019 Eghe - Time- 620 Didactic
04/26/2019 Rope - Rosegold 482 Couplet
04/24/2019 Beware of the Ides of the Men On Black 599 Didactic
04/19/2019 When You Die, What Will You Be Remembered For 945 Didactic
04/17/2019 Reason 720 Carpe Diem
04/16/2019 An Ode To My Great Mother 685 Ode
04/16/2019 Rhetorics On the Nigerian Church 795 Prose Poetry
04/15/2019 Tell Freedom 768 Dramatic Verse
03/18/2019 How To Become Fireflies 547 Didactic
03/15/2019 When Next You Go 695 Carpe Diem
02/15/2019 On Election Day 528 Didactic
02/11/2019 Life Happens 519 Didactic
11/30/2018 November, 93 681 Prose Poetry
11/21/2018 The Story of a Brother Efosa 780 Dramatic Monologue
10/27/2018 Adesewa 469 Didactic
10/10/2018 Peace 554 Narrative
10/01/2018 On Independence Day 647 Political Verse
09/24/2018 Mother 1922 Ode
09/23/2018 Africana 2280 Prose Poetry
09/23/2018 Strife -Wandering Heart- 888 Prose

Short Stories

I Go To New York City inspirational, moral, travel, western, young adult,

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry