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Holy Terror Poems - Poems about Holy Terror

Holy Terror Poems - Examples of all types of poems about holy terror to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for holy terror.
Premium Member Ires of March
...The scene stopped me in my tracks, Crimson bursting through darkly gray. "Another cold, dark morning," I mused. As I turned to walk away... "Beware the Ires of March, Watchman! Scoffers attack......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, anger, faith, god, jesus,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Green Goblin
...Green Goblin, Green Goblin, how terrible you are. And only for a serum have you become a superstar. A star of infamy and Spider-man’s worst foe, spreading holy terror wherever that you go. Alia......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, character,
Form: Rhyme

Forced Population
...In these days and times Women are not having Large family's anymore because They can't raise their kids properly Without constant interference From the laws and unfair rules As a parent you lo......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, how i feel,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Kaleidoscopic Eyes
...Kaleidoscopic optic, nervous eyes; Blinking disbelief while dropping Moisture-laden kisses. Each one misses. Sorrow such an individual thing. Truth be said, There are places that it canno......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, abortion,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Terrified of the Blue Eyed Queen
...Holy terror was the blue eyed queen Everyone said she was totally mean Fully terrified From her he would hide Luke, her manservant, who was seldom seen. Come over here, she told him one day. ......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Living In Grace With Passion
...The absolute joy of knowing, like a child, you are forever in   His hands. That the pompous leaders, all, cannot your soul demand. That media are just media and do make grievous errors. So you ......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, courage, encouraging, faith, happiness,
Form: Couplet
Trump Seems To Be Showing Off and More
...This is story which people will tell; They sat on shore for a short spell, And clamored; Were enamored, While they had counted each shell. Jim Horn Trump Appears To Be Showing Off Tr......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Trump Truly Has Tendency
...What incorrigible means is not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed. Trump Truly Has Tendency Trump does have tendency to be deplorable, And at same time is also terribly incorrigib......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Two-Bits
...I have a dog named Two-bits Once had a dog named Dollar Two-bits never comes when called Not even when you holler. Dollar was the better dog Dutiful and gentle Two-bits barks at his own tail ......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, animal, dog, farm, funny,
Form: Rhyme
Trump Read Corinthians One
...Corinthians One and Done As a result of God's greatest grace, We have been of;f to a poetry race; Mine were bad and did not improve, And from Facebook they did remove. Write many more poems......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, allegory, analogy,
Form: Couplet
Received Several Requests
...Received Several Requests Did receive several requests to write this: Point may refuse or maybe might miss; Am bad news bearer; Trump is holy terror, And daily own death he does often kiss. ......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Rise Above It
...We who have made a lot of struggle in this lovely garden And have seen how a river can flow on like a jingling girl Overlooking the muck and mud accompanying the stream That tries to arres......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, blue, color, dance, dream,
Form: Free verse
Haunting Trump Taunting
...Haunting Trump Taunting Haunting Trump Taunting And over our heads vaunting Appearance daunting. Bad news am shearer And again the sad bearer Trump holy terror. Party inviting A Preside......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, humorous, political,
Form: I do not know?
Someone Sick Like This
...Someone Sick Like This Those having weapons that are high-powered I am sure they probably could be a coward Someone having actions being predictable And all turning out being totally despicable......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, how i feel,
Form: Couplet
Storm In the Lords
...For shall the almighty dance with wickedness Freasting darkness solidifies clashing swords Forsaking us illuminates our lust for fulfillment Attributes for grace heightens desolation’s pl......Read the rest...
Categories: holy terror, art, august, beauty, bible,
Form: ABC

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