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Holding Back Poems - Poems about Holding Back

Holding Back Poems - Examples of all types of poems about holding back to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for holding back.
It Is Only God That Is Holding Back the Red Dragon
"It is only God holding back the Red Dragon, China, from obtaining its desired goal of world domination."*** 1) Red China's Marxist puppet dictator's chosen Brazilian criminal has just won his election in the largest South American country...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative
Holding Back
Sometimes people tick you off But do you then attack? Likely not, for most of us Are trained in holding back. Saying what you really think In every circumstance Would be like stomping someone’s feet When you are asked to dance. Instead, we...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, truth,
Form: Rhyme

Holding Back
With you, this veil spreads across my face like ice. Cheeks stiffen, aching lips pressed together white as lies. I hold back words so they are cooled, blank, before I free them. Alone, when I dance, face...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, anxiety, confidence, courage, emotions,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Excerpt From Holding Back Tears
Destruction of Me And my father died, and I had a surgery go terribly wrong, And I was trying to care for my mom, and Covid became a thing And the tears gushed and flowed and splashed and...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, sad,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Holding Back Tears
HOLDING BACK TEARS Being a single mother is rarely appreciated, when it is a very demanding, challenging, complex responsibility to take on and carry on for years. Who wants to be a single mother? I chose to. Couples marry...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, mother,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Holding Back Tears
Oh! That anguishing moment! When I craved to cry, And pour my tears, like monsoon rains, on some grass dry; A bit away, hence, from the madding crowd, I went, To soothe my grieving heart; give benevolent vent... A...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, cry, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Holding Back Tears
When granny was still alive she used to tell me~ " Don't cry when I die, for tears are melted salt that had escaped from oceans; Spare your tears, spare your salt, Just sing me a song~ a song I first taught...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, deep, grandmother, grave, tribute,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Holding Back Tears
They laid her in a tomb, only the bagpiper and I. The Scotsman, with his pipes, played a dreary dirge, I stood tall, no tears just intense anger. A haggard breeze flowed around the verdant trees, Ruffling the dreary...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, addiction, death of a
Form: Free verse
Holding Back Tears
The story of love that was never supposed to unfold Is the saddest story to ever behold For Death was never suppose to love But their was an angel above Her angel lips was a sight Death desired But would...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, angel, dark, death, goodbye,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Holding Back Tears
you raped my soul with just one word ...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, analogy, loss,
Form: Quatrain
Holding Back Tears
Some hold back their tears due to inner fears. Knowing their life is bad, will make all sad. Thinking this, they always smile.They wear mask. No one can make out from their face they're sad. If they try to resolve their problem by sharing, speaking about it,...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, sad,
Form: Tetractys
Premium Member Holding Back Tears
I well remember trying not to cry, It was the hardest thing I ever did All us graded boys gave it our best try, In the third class I was the smallest kid As to homework I was always...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, 3rd grade, homework, school,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member Holding Back Tears
It's nine years in a row of continuous crisis lost in the wilderness of a dry Oasis on all long bones is the constant emphasis for a condition which began as Tuberculosis. The pain and discomfort, too much to...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, cancer, death, sick,
Form: Quatrain
Holding Back Tears
It was a dark and stormy night you could say its "the story of my life" Sitting in a park watching a plane take flight Thinking of you and all the strife Now I sit in dark rooms while i...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, cry, heartbreak, heartbroken, sad,
Form: Rhyme
Holding Back Tears
In high school, the boy I loved Was in love with my best friend. They held hands and snuggled at ball games And I was always in the background, watching. In college, they broke up, and I went home...Read the rest...
Categories: holding back, anger, cry, depression, sad,
Form: Free verse

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