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Henri Poems - Poems about Henri

Premium Member Henri Michaux - Untitled - draft
Space me out, spread and stretch my wings Graft me onto the aerial view to be snapped open feathered eyes to elongate, excavate skies to subterranean, conclave indecision, restless waiting Eye to eye, we look for...Read the rest...
Categories: henri, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member Henri Matisse's Studio
Henri Matisse's Studio Scattered about like fish in a pond are paintings and objects in a secluded room in a sea of red shouting out loud; Connoisseurs please enter, others not welcomed The pink studio expresses acceptance of chic bourgeois realism,...Read the rest...
Categories: henri, appreciation, art, perspective,
Form: Verse

Premium Member Blue Nude Iv Henri Matisse
in a simple abstract shape- ...Read the rest...
Categories: henri, art,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Clerihew Henri M
Henri Matisse ,artist,confronted colour his cut-outs , a minimalistic tour This genre enabled him to manipulate piece by piece, proliferate...Read the rest...
Categories: henri, art, people,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Portrait of Sonia - With Apologies To Henri Fantin Latour
Sonia, take that hat off. Its plumage doesn’t suit you, So toss it to the floor. The same goes for the boa. Accessories are fine, dear, but in this case, less is more. Sonia, take those rings off....Read the rest...
Categories: henri, art,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member Art - Henri Matisse
Look you for Matisse's Daughter? ------------------------------------- The cat glides paw in the water. It is glaring at three goldfish. Jolly tulips are on left side. The bowl with fish is on a dish. Gawp at colors so bright in frame... The cat...Read the rest...
Categories: henri, art, cat, fish,
Form: Quatern
Henri Nostradamus I read one time, Said wars were coming, it’s to chime, A German Pope would lead the war, Prince Henri would be fighting for, His other name is Harry, Perhaps Prince Henri of old France, Is our cousin Harry,...Read the rest...
Categories: henri, adventure, cousin,
Form: Ballade

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry