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Heather Poems - Poems about Heather

Heather Poems - Examples of all types of poems about heather to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for heather.
For Heather
Deaths are not easy Please know I am here for you Reach out anytime ...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, death, friendship, pain, sorrow,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Away in the Heather
When a warm breeze rustles the leaves You can thank the sunny weather When a clouded sky passes by A soft rain moistens the heather When a bird sings on feathered wings And the grass sheds the morning dew When...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, love,
Form: Rhyme

I knew a young lady named Heather She'd make love in all sorts of weather Out in the woods She'd share her goods With Tom Dick Harry and Trevor. ...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, humor,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member joyless great aunt Heather
in the worst shape ever my great Aunt Heather usually under the weather good thoughts? Never. Resigned to gloom forever. no joy and not clever. Focuses on bad news and weather. I am sorry for Aunt Heather....Read the rest...
Categories: heather, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Heather
Young Heather found a feather one day in some cold weather; just there, right there, on the road landed, where the wind had blowed. “My wooly hat it’s plain and pink I’ll put the feather in, I think.” young Heather thought...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, nursery rhyme,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Heather in Leather
There is a young woman named Heather who occasionally likes to wear leather at country line dances where she sashays and prances; her feet are as light as a feather. This lovely woman named Heather looks great in her skirt made...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, appreciation, dance,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Away in the Heather
Away in the Heather ...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, longing, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Heather on the hills - BAWDY WARNING
A shepherdess, I’ll call her Heather Loved coitus when dressed in black leather High up in the hills She’s getting her thrills And getting wet in the wild weather The farmer, his first name is Jock Was willing to get out...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, humorous, lust,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Dear Old Heather
(Inspired by Silent One's limerick, "Queen Of Her Stage" ) There once was a canary full of rage. Who shrewdly trapped a sly cat in her cage. without a feather ruffled Kittie's meows he muffled, she now ruled...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, animal, appreciation, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Spring Embrace
Embracing Spring after winter season Dour skies for months with chilling cold weather Summer dreams where roses are Elysian Highland hills swept with grandeur of heather. Poppies and wildflowers grow abundant Landscape well crafted in burgeoning green Winter is now completely...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, inspirational, spring,
Form: Sonnet
Heather with amazing colors, Hollyhock and hyacinth, Pansy and pink, Moonstone, Sardonyx, Opal Among the tall mountains, in a sunny pure sky shortest day, It was a neat picnic of the fascinating Motacilla Alba and M A Personata...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, adventure, flower, poetess,
Form: Shape
Premium Member Heather
Heather, Oh Heather The worst waitress ever Whenever will you come back to me? I sit here forever No service is rendered And never do ever complain Heather, Oh Heather It’s so hard to remember And it’s easy as pie to forget With...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, humorous, love,
Form: Rhyme
Other Side
Everytime I hear your voice, On the other side of the phone, All the sweet words, I wish it would have been for me, Instead. The wishings, the longings,all the love, I wish I would have been on the other...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, anxiety, april, best friend,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Heather
"Heather" such a tumultuous quiet discourse crochet hooked and thinking on wheels, the wrong turns, sometimes thoughts move to the recalcitrant one, another tumultuous heart, mixed feelings like heavy storm clouds move towards the vociferous missing one, who looks on...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, family, forgiveness, love, muse,
Form: Narrative
Lucky Heather
LUCKY HEATHER The Gypsy offers a posy of heather Each week as I walk by. “Be lucky love,” she always says. And every week I wonder why A bunch of heather would bring me luck. So, today, without slowing my pace, I...Read the rest...
Categories: heather, moving on,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry