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Grable Poems - Poems about Grable

Premium Member Classic Reel the 1940s many movie comedies dealt with heaven hell, reincarnation, the devil, angels, body snatching I get a channel called Classic Reel with my Roku The movies shown are from the 30’s, 40’s,......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, nostalgia,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member a letter
...I got a text from one of my professors yesterday saying, ‘Please stop by my office at 6 pm tomorrow.’ It didn’t say why. This was the first day after November recess, had I missed something? That nig......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, appreciation, humor, school, student,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Dolly Sisters 1945
...Betty Grable and June Havner Brought the Dolly Sisters to Life on the big screen It was 1945 They should have both had top billing Somehow John Payne sneaked into the middle of them in every s......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, dance, music, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hollywood's Golden Years
...Ah! The Golden Years of Hollywood And those old black and white movies Some were cinematic disasters But some you could call quite groovy Even now, my heart skips a beat When one appea......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hollywood's Golden Years
...Ah! The Golden Years of Hollywood And those old black and white movies Some were cinematic disasters But some you could call quite groovy Even now, my heart skips a beat When one appea......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, fun,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Oliver, a Boy
...My mother's name was Seraphine A sadder child was never seen Her duty was to serve the table Of newly widowed Mrs. Grable Her husband Mr. Grable died To keep the British gratified For which ......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, england, fantasy, innocence,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Birthday Dip
...Brrrrr my alarm clock wakes me with a start. I open heavy eyelids to see sun streaming through a chink in the curtains. Bounding out of bed I hurriedly dress in my bikini and cover up with my shortes......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, age, birthday, fun, sea,
Form: Haibun
March 8th International Women's Day the World Over
...March 8th - International Women's Day The World Over Down to the wire, before this calendrical occasion doth expire, though arbitrary twenty four hour time set aside for guide ding hand of the......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, appreciation, beauty, daughter, hero,
Form: Elegy
Should Suffice and Will Entice and More
...A Priest Who Had Schumer Humor Our priest had almost been a baby boomer, Who is religious and we even heard a rumor He did dodge, Having a massage; Has friend named Schumer with much humor. ......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Sleaze Bag Who Has Been Inescapable
...Sleaze Bag Who Has Been Inescapable On long label was willing and able To write a fabulous, funny fable About rambunctious Bet......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, allegory, analogy,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Achoo
...I was eating a bagel, With the late Betty Grabel When I accidentally, Dropped lox on the floor I thought it was cool, Ya know, that three second rule So I ate it Before someone had wal......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, humorous,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Stars of the Forties
...Betty Grable, Hedy Lamarre, Rita Hayworth, Lana Turner Stars of the forties, how many can remember What century am I from Was in love with every one Much too young but old now and wearing......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, memory,
Form: Limerick
Saul Grills Marilyn At a Seedy New Orleans Jazz Dive
...Saul’s twinkling eyes took it all in – the platinum hair framing a first-class face, the silvery sheath dress wrapped around a figure that was out of sight, but in plain view. She was definitely the ......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, humor, murder, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Hollywood's Golden Years
...Ah! The Golden Years of Hollywood And those old black and white movies Some were cinematic disasters But some you could call quite groovy Even now, my heart skips a beat When one appea......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, film, , western,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member The St Ives Woman
... On the right of the screen is this St. Ives ad. That young brunette there doesn’t look half bad. Every once in a while, she pops up there. She smiles while wearing only her underwear. That y......Read the rest...
Categories: grable, funny,
Form: Rhyme

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