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Gourd Poems - Poems about Gourd

Premium Member she had been searching for grumpy gourd
lovely lively lithe Louise Lampford grew a grainy greasy grumpy gourd believing beyond belief in Baker’s board she said she’d been searching for a grumpy gourd. We thought this would delight Louise Lampford But she could not cut the beast...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
The Bottle Gourd Rhyme
I am tall, I am slender, Light Green but not cucumber. Have a snout, have a tail, Found in market & even retail. Packed with Vitamin C, K & Calcium, I punch my weight in nutrition. Eat me & get a...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, nursery rhyme,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Oh My Gourd
pregnancy craving ate too many pumpkin pies my skin turned orange...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, autumn, food, humorous,
Form: Senryu
Sword of Mischief Is Ready
Nick's sword of mischief is ready, The thrusts to be ever steady For those he is sure are heady, Now controllable, soon an eddy... Nick's challengers need steely sword, Until they accept a Made Lord, Palm wine has failed with its...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, bullying, character, conflict, evil,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Enflamed Gourd
evil-eyed Jack o’ lantern grimaces in the dark~ helplessly perturbed pumpkin...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, autumn, evil, funny, halloween,
Form: Senryu

Gourd and God
I mystery in seeds: real to me, small, flat gourd seed now, shoots at window smile II Flat white seed planted a meter from window three weeks: hi from window...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, africa, bible, garden, growth,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Gourd-Geous
funny little gourds slightly ugly and bumpy — adopted by me 10/15/2018...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, october,
Form: Haiku
Bitter Gourd
Let the truth of great God remain In the hearts of chosen people; Let all the lies be left behind By the spirit, mind, heart, and soul. Let the light stay radiant and bright In the lives of true...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, life,
Form: Quatrain
Gourd and Sword
My mother was a gourd ...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, fun,
Form: Limerick
Ode To the Orange Gourd
It’s that time of year again... When family and friends gather together.. To share and give thanks for all that they treasure.. The young and the old, the tall and the small.. The Vegans and the Carnivores, come one...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, autumn, family, food, holiday,
Form: Prose Poetry
Hallow Gourd
Snap my lonely stem and Amputate my denied attachments and Discover the life that drains From an open wound. Oozing to the earth it will Whet the desires of worms, Each wondering why tears Taste so much like pulp From a pale...Read the rest...
Categories: gourd, nature, passion
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry