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Gnomish Poems - Poems about Gnomish

Gnomish Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gnomish to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gnomish.

Premium Member I Miss
... Written: July 30, 2024 For Ink Empress Contest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My blood is infused with poetry I hope to share with you my inner views We sh......Read the rest...
Categories: gnomish, analogy, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Beach Ball
...In the realm of memory, where time looms still, There lies a tale, a mystery, that I shall reveal. On this beach, where laughter and joy reside, A beach ball lingers in the rafters' hi......Read the rest...
Categories: gnomish, analogy, beach, future,
Form: Free verse

Second Sight Ii
...Sonnet: Second Sight (II) by Michael R. Burch (Newborns see best at a distance of 8 to 14 inches.) Wiser than we know, the newborn screams, red-faced from breath, and wonders what life means ......Read the rest...
Categories: gnomish, baby, birth, child, kid,
Form: Sonnet
Sonnets Xvii-Xxiv
...Sonnets XVII-XXIV Discrimination by Michael R. Burch The meter I had sought to find, perplexed, was ripped from books of "verse" that read like prose. I found it in sheet music, in long rows......Read the rest...
Categories: gnomish, books, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member At What Cost Shall We Ransom This God
...At What Cost Shall We Ransom This God At what cost shall we ransom this God! Held hostage in the towers of sanctity by the scurrilous usurpers of His throne. We pay homage to the hierarchic......Read the rest...
Categories: gnomish, introspection, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

Tom's Tid Bits (Yet Again!)
...How come they call it Labor Day when nobody works? And why Pool-Table? Where's the diving board? the water? How can you play "Draw-Poker" without paper and pencil? Do ******* really have bigger ......Read the rest...
Categories: gnomish, confusion, education, funny, mystery,
Form: Burlesque

Book: Reflection on the Important Things