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Glide Poems - Poems about Glide

Eyes open wide She checks the clock Five more minutes Is what she wants What she needs Is a greater pull Feet touch the floor Toes curl Big stretch Eyes half open Light flicks on Splash of water Thinks of bed Teeth brushed Hair put...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, freedom, motivation, repetition,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I am a nice guy
Where are you, my dear? My love is sincere. Play not with me hide and seek! Fear not like a deer; My words, you do hear. Without you, life appears bleak! Always be my side. It makes my soul glide And build...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, 5th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Rise and Glide
We break the cage and rise so high, With wings of steel, we touch the sky. Pouring gold in the rain, we soar, Chasing dreams forevermore. We shatter the cage, then rise and glide, With wings of steel, in the...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, adventure, dream, freedom, hope,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Snowflurries Swirl
Snowflurries Swirl Snow falls inside the glass globe: A swimming, swirling vision Where four youngsters pose frozen In their run to leap to a win For the longest sliding glide Along an icy, country road Where no traffic flows; Near a row...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, fun, imagery, imagination, life,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Glide
Let me glide with you Let me truly feel free Let us fly through white fluffiness Let us skim the vast sea Let us enjoy the warmth of a days sunshine Let us inhale the mystery and beauty of night Let...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, freedom,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member All Your Answers Glide Free
Secrets don't hide from me All your answers glide free Never have I been about deception Fool's Gold is its worthless conception Honesty, above all, until every line the army does fall Can't hide at all, of glass might...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, addiction, betrayal, confusion, corruption,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Glide of a Snake
The hide of a horse The tongue of an ox No cloak of remorse from a chicken with pox The fur of a cat ...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, animal, anxiety, natural disasters,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member To Glide Above the Sea
To be a bird and glide above the sea. How wondrous that would be! To soar so high amidst tranquility while wheeling free above the currents in my azure sky. I’d travel with the breeze in summertime, then fly down...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, sea,
Form: Sonnet
Out of My Grasp
No matter how fast I run, or how high I climb, It always escapes me, that being called “Time” It is a cunning sparrow, taunting with each rasp But with each step nearer, flies out of my grasp Fleeing...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, adventure, anxiety, death, flying,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Grasp
I paused, the moonlight to inhale As I put my steep climb on hold Thick grape vines held tight in my grasp. On I climbed to clutch a buttress My breath reduced unto a gasp. On I clambered higher...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, adventure, flying, moon, night,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Silly Me
Silly Me I went out when I shouldn't have, silly me Slid on the ice, though not too daintily  Did the splits in my glide In that I took great pride But had no pride in thighs hugging a tree. 29th...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, fantasy, fun, horror, winter,
Form: Limerick
Raptures of the Deep
Had I those depths that elsewhere thrive, Swiftly I’d into your blissful fathoms dive; And bid old pangs on the loveless shore Eternal bye as I toe and hair slink below. Breathlessly I’d raptured sink down till Heart and...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, allusion, beach, blessing, deep,
Form: Ode
Premium Member Glide
Dare stride Purge pride Work ride Feel voice Seed poise Crisp choice Mark clear Good cheer Face fear Seed well True spell Seize tell Now face Brisk pace Wear grace Dare start Calm heart Word art Leon Enriquez 30 December 2019 Singapore...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, allusion,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Lilacs Moving Dragonflies Glide
Eagle announces sun full bright Lilacs moving, dragonflies glide Robins and cardinals chirp readily Spring happening in jumps and leaps Whistles and droning bees help tulips sleep Written: April 27, 2019 Contest: 2019 Premiere 10, Any Form, Any Theme Sponsor: Brian...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, spring,
Form: Blank verse
As the Flying Lizards Glide
E-arly light has come out, D-ark clouds leave the lane; G-ray haze has disappeared, A-n amazing beacon denies the R-ain. S-econd March warm Wednesday, E-vening chill fades away; R-ise of the sun begins, R-ed rays brighten...Read the rest...
Categories: glide, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

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