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Florette Poems - Poems about Florette

Florette Poems - Examples of all types of poems about florette to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for florette.
Premium Member Deliver Me, Jeannie
...The dirty dishes at the sink are piled up high, near at the brink. A reckoning is looming large: a Staten Island garbage barge of smells, I think. I’ve carried out the garbage pail; I’ve twitc......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, humor, silly,
Form: Quatrain
Night Roses
...Night roses dipped in purkinje, tendencies of blue lost inside this dream I urge the winds to carry me onto the hammocks of the night where antic roses lie, moonlit soaked and mulched ......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, romantic love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Taste of Bitterness
...He was a bitter aging man He’d never married Had lost the love of his life And never recovered She had died before his return from war Her parents’ home still stood there like a castle He ofte......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, betrayal, confusion, death of
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

A Year End Florette
...Another year will end with cheer one more shall soon arrive, no fear But how they make such a fine din as one falls out and t’other in while I will wince, holding my head and festive beer Not......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, december, future, new year,
Form: Rhyme
The Not So Friendly Mirror
...Form. Florette 2. Wrote for contest but didnt submit. (I chickened out) Mirrors reveal what you can't hide The rolls of fat your large backside The legs once slim now plump and veined T......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, mirror,
Form: Rhyme

Glass Imaging
...she flutters amidst heaven’s sky to wink on boughs, a lullaby--- her glass-like wings adorn a night imaging love's sway to delight the fancy of kisses woven by queen firefly Contes......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, beauty, image, insect, ,
Form: Rhyme
...Vulnerability, thy calm. Mirror! you are my soothing balm. You soak my umpteen drops of tears, my craziness, delights and fears. Like freckled waters, you watch my reflection dream. Contest:......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, mirror,
Form: Rhyme
A Writer's Two-Way Mirror
...A writer’s two-way mirror Unseen, I watched the live actor. My eyes followed every gesture. Speckled realities captured My senses re-manufactured. Next time I will remain a mere spectator. ......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, poetry, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mirrors
...Mirrors Desolate eyes have lost their sheen, Broken hearts, once his darling queen, Emotions will clearly reflect, Why can't the mirrors introspect ? His passion in her own eyes is true to......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, mirror,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Mirror In the Other Room
...The mirror in the other room has recently filled me with gloom. One early morn I looked in it and got freaked out; I looked like S@%#T! Light so dim revealed the reflection of my ......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, age,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Plea To My Mirror
...Mirror, mirror on bathroom wall bring back the face that I recall when I was young, full of vigor and was happy with my figure, before all of me needed a big overhaul. By: Joyce Johnson For c......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, vanity,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mirrors
...I hold your hands as face to face We dare to look but not embrace With mirrored thoughts we come to grips The eyes make up for silent lips They are reflecting both our hearts as pulses race --......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, emotions, mirror,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Golden Threads
...Across the sky, like arrowheads, from silhouettes against the red, the call of wild geese swiftly fades into the sun. And then sun bades a sad farewell to one last strand of summer's ......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, nature, seasons,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Objects In the Mirror - Reflections of a Florette the objects in the mirror did you only appear nearer now broken and seven years cursed  i feel foolish my heart coerced and still nothing about us is any clearer ......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, heartbroken,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mirror
...Mirror Beauty that an eye can collect, Corporeal it will select, As I sit in front of mirror, Can never see the mind stirrer, Fragrance of florets of heart won't ever reflect ! Written ......Read the rest...
Categories: florette, mirror,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry