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Filter Poems - Poems about Filter

Filter Poems - Examples of all types of poems about filter to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for filter.

Through a Filter of Scum
Don't eat the shellfish the sea filters through Every thing is a dichotomy they say in the end This obliqueness sows it's wild oats in the forest where only small shreds of light make their way to the ground A starlight...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, appreciation, blessing,
Form: Ballade
Premium Member As Length'Ning Shadows, Filter Thru These Aching Hours
(1.) Dare I Compose, This Heartfelt Poem For Thee Dare I reveal, dare to my soul expose No longer hide behind life's hidden pose Return to Southern roots, a simple man Forget this dark world's constant wicked plans Remember her, life's...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, art, hope, how i
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Filter of My Mind
like steaming water seeps through the openings in the bottom of a colander the wisdom of ages past is filtered by my conscious mind leaving all but a few bits and pieces caught in the process I am...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, god, introspection, truth, wisdom,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Filter Out the World
I need to filter out the world, Just for a little while, To drown out the white noise, The static and the light. I music has turned discordant And I cannot see the sky, Hear the rustling...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, loss,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Who I Might Have Been
Who I Might Have Been David J Walker Ever since You came home Things haven’t been The same Things that I remembered Have been rearranged or Discarded/hidden in the mounds of dead leaves Beneath the dying trees of my youth A...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, allegory,
Form: Rhyme

The Human Filter - Freewill
The Human Filter (Freewill) There is only, but one, who can see black and white. For the rest of us, it is merely perception. We can hope for glory, but for all is not bright. As many have followed...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, religious, strength, truth,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Illuminate Shadows, Filter Light
My shadows are tender and easy to miss, Like a smile seems innocuous, stealthy as kiss, Still these shadows add weight, create drag in our life, Though they rarely, if ever, cut deep like a knife! Too, sunlight wracks...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, integrity, judgement,
Form: Quatrain
Cancer Has No Filter
Our little angels are being taken by this horrible disease GOD help to rid this from the world please It has no filter to pick and choose you see It could take hold of you or hold of me When...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, cancer,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Filter Kings
Two years and a couple of weeks and I will be on the road again. Back from living right and ready to start living wrong. Ain't that a *****. But I got a pocket full...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, freedom,
Form: Dramatic Verse
By Laura Dee October 17, 2014 You wanna see my pretty scars? I'll show you where the deepest are The ugliness for the pretty ones to see Can you still rationalize your judgments of me? I don't think it's brass, or...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, conflict, gender,
Form: Rhyme
tank filled with green crud on the bottom like a spud… goldfish was a dud...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, animals, death, pets
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Lime Green In Pool Filter
Praying Mantis at basement door I had not seen you here before So lime green you stand out Scarey enough to make me shout Died next day in pool filter__gore...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, death, imagination, nature
Form: Limerick
Clouds Filter Light
The dirt does not give into words. Blind-less in tongue and heart, I have dropped myself in the earth. Dark eyes wrapped in cloth, Tilted clouds narrow my sight. Spiral down fellow pride follows, Relieving fires flame of it's light. Tonight...Read the rest...
Categories: filter,
Form: I do not know?
And so affection seeks to wane without faith's holding on in vain. I hold my thought in context's aim to some adjustment, love's contain. As filtering truth, I filter feign so glories honor fits thy name. I filter solace, peace maintain no...Read the rest...
Categories: filter, introspection,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things