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Fairbanks Poems - Poems about Fairbanks

Fairbanks Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fairbanks to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fairbanks.

... On this road trip we make tentative plans as to the memories we’d like collected but we often find the best memories are totally unexpected. Take today for instance.. We planned to visit The O......Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, travel,
Form: Rhyme
Shaggy Dog Limericks
...The Spaniel A Spaniel that uses its head Can tell when its owner’s unfed So instead of a duck That is down on its luck Will deliver a pizza instead The Affenpinscher (Affen)...Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, animal, dog, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Way Up North
...I was talking to my solitary self again, grumbling how life held no adventure, And my parrot, Cherry, often echoed me, as moon echoes golden splendors. She'd ruffle her feathers and preen, as she......Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, bird, dream, fantasy, happiness,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The New World Order
...It is not new. The thirteen families, and Freemasons have been plotting for hundreds of years. Here are the thirteen families that make up the list. Rothchild, Bundy, Collins, Ayers, Kennedy, Rockefe......Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, bible, dark, future, jesus,
Form: Narrative
...Release I was in the arctic. Those frozen forests of Alaska. North of Fairbanks, in the wild Yukon. It was night, and the moon shown, on the white, bright snow. Everything had a light, ......Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, freedom, spiritual, spoken word,
Form: Free verse

Young Word Players
...We liked word play since very young My younger brother Mike and I First letters of names we would switch And then we would laugh till we cried Ben Telly became Ten Belly That one, for sure, ca......Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, children, word play,
Form: Quatrain
Shaniki Smith Bio Poem
...Strong Happy Artist Neat Intelligent Kind Intellectual Smart Magnificent Integrity Tough Heartwarming Living the life of begin free-mind individual The well to think freely without i......Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, inspiration,
Form: Verse
The Moose At the Door
...THE MOOSE AT THE DOOR In Fairbanks Winter days are bitter Nights are deadly frigid Tires are square Breath freezes into icy scarves Auto grills spew plugs like old TVs In Fairbanks In the dea......Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, animals, life, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mary Jane
... Mary Jane, what an unusual girl you are. You have fans that live both near and far. They call your name from Bangor to Sausalito. How popular you are from Fairbanks to Hilo. It doesn’t ......Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, passion, girl,
Form: Rhyme
Priceless Gift
...I lost track Jon! I cannot exactly remember the year you were born But, I know, the special date Is toward Memorial weekend. I chose priceless gifts for you Like your artwork from Alaska T......Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, family, , memorial,
Form: Free verse
...standing out in fairbanks... days poosht-over, like drunk natives aint seen sun in three weeks, fished all to hell under clumsy rain......Read the rest...
Categories: fairbanks, epic
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things