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Face Up Poems - Poems about Face Up

Premium Member Face Up
I can no longer skip and jump, Which makes me sad and blue It also gives me the hump When I look at you, Vivacious, full of energy Healthy and robust too My, get up and go Has got up and gone, Left...Read the rest...
Categories: face up, 10th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Face Up
You can tell how people feel by the expression on their faces. The face of the world looks very ugly at this moment in time....Read the rest...
Categories: face up, 10th grade,
Form: Epigram

Premium Member Face Up
Why do we close our eyes Or look away From times of despair Do we think by doing this The problems are not there If you can't see them Have they gone away? Problematic worries Usually, come to stay It's no good ignoring them Or...Read the rest...
Categories: face up, 10th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Face Up Courage High - Collaboration
Face up! Courage high. Up early? Great! Attitude fly! Full of pep, vigour, vim. In great shape, need no rest. Jumping over peers Who have lost their zest. Lost their sight, their hearing, their lust, their sense of play. Now...Read the rest...
Categories: face up, age, fun, morning,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Face Up
Putting up a brave face, when bleeding heart shows no trace. contest name- rhyme battle- round...Read the rest...
Categories: face up, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme

Face Up
I lay them on the table all my cards face up there's nothing up my sleeve or sleight of hand card tricks all my truth and fiction is laid out for you to see ante up or call my bluff you can...Read the rest...
Categories: face up, introspection
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things