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Engender Poems - Poems about Engender

Engender Poems - Examples of all types of poems about engender to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for engender.
Premium Member It's All Relative
...Did you know Albert Einstein married his cousin? It's a topic that makes for interesting discussion. And while it may engender some negativity, it gives new meaning to the theory of relativity!......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, humor, relationship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Of Regrets
... Quite a cumbersome ball and chain; Regrets are best left in the past. They engender headache and pain. Quite a cumbersome ball and chain. Don't keep them; there's nothing to gain. The stin......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, perspective, truth, wisdom,
Form: Triolet

i did not use special characters
...Inauguration Day 2025 - Monday, January 20, 2025, 12:00?PM Aforementioned event interestingly enough coincides with Martin Luther King Junior day. The late reverend American minister and activ......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, america, anger, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Buddha Meets Christmas
...Down the fervent aeons Buddha’s sagesse, casts its august shroud on benign witness, shades, shadows, subtle symbol shift, encompass cosmopolitan and temporal, incongruous to flaccid predilection ......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, august, celebration, character, christmas,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hiss-tory
...He spreads his wings and asks sympathy for his plight He laughs but can't get ’cha if you put up a fight But to get the whole picture Let us look to Scripture To find out about this guised angel ......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, christian, jesus, philosophy, truth,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Cherry Pie
...The taste lingers, A thought conveys Childhood at its best, The idea hovers The feelings engender The deeply converged experiences in my chest! I remember the fruit ......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, appreciation, childhood, fruit, happy,
Form: Sestina
By George burn hing hard, I Shaw tried to be a stinking playwright
...By George (burn hing* hard), I Shaw tried to be a stinking playwright offers his unsolicited tidbits as scene courtesy the following virtually staged philosophical insight. Arch back like......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, adventure, appreciation, art, encouraging,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Just Looking Ahead
... Summer's wilting heat and humidity engender lovely daydreams of the myriad pleasant features of fall. ......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, seasons,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member Giving It All
... I heard her say it clear and plain. There were no present signs of pain. She knew there was so much within, sufficient to reach those without. She gives her all, sharing with nothing to g......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, dedication, devotion,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member All in the Family
... Pamela’s father has a brother, which makes him her uncle, and she by law his niece. All are very close and amiable. Now her older brother Jim has a son, namely Matthew and that of cours......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, dark, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Unsettling premonition kickstarts fiendish abomination
...Unsettling premonition kickstarts fiendish abomination Consider the following dogmatic, enigmatic, fantastic, idiotic, jargonistic, kimetic, linguistic, narcissistic, opportunistic, poetic......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, adventure, america, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I wish I had
... Just nodded yes, when my ego had said no Lost all consuming forces, simply let go Met you halfway, instead of skirting the square Perhaps sat down, when you brought over a chair Found quan......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, allusion, peace, perspective,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member MIRO 4 tactlista
...eye wide shut feel remmber mold make manifest in touch with linear continuty juxtaposed wrinkles smeared daubed rubbed down accidents to. eng......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
Premium Member War To End All Wars
...War To End All Wars It will be the war On corporate polluters The corporate polluters Who deprive Our Children Of clean air, clean water and clean food These corporate polluters Driven by ego......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, 12th grade, pollution,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Picked From The Pew
... By the time I met her, I no longer cared what might occur. Having grown weary of romance, I was reluctant to take another chance. Romantic encounters had left me uninterested. That is, until......Read the rest...
Categories: engender, marriage, romance, valentines day,
Form: Rhyme

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