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Encores Poems - Poems about Encores

Encores Poems - Examples of all types of poems about encores to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for encores.
Sprung is Springing
... Fickle sunbeams tickle fluttering daydreams...… Lyrical lapping lullaby encores... Gingerly stroke sandy shell shattered shores.. Starlings spy…sky high murmurations... Skimming stones.......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, poems,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Waterfalls
... Steep streams - Deep dreams Splashing Crashing Rumbling Tumbling Wending Ending Cascade Displayed Yon roars’ Encores......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, nature,
Form: Footle

The Daily Star Thursday issue
...The Daily Star Thursday issue... announces Summer Solstice 2024 regarding purr ray zing planetary earthlings paying obeisance to god/goddess of the sun Thursday, June twentieth at 4:51 Post M......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, anniversary, beauty, celebration, june,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Green Rooms
... Last acts have already been performed. Death is on stage, it has already taken several encores - now the audience is leaving. We actors are departing also, the Light has come, each ......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Colonel Oliver North, US
..."I'm working on the Lento Form starts as a collage and not simplistically termed words, like my poem 'Ode to a Dove' that made Best Lento Form," ... by Poet. *Actual Poem used below, ......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, allusion, analogy, appreciation, character,
Form: Lento

Premium Member The Dream Broker
...Treasury of candles imagined reawakening the exemplars who campaigns their coalescing. Prayer resurrecting unkept promises that fault mistiness veils of affections deeply confesse......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, allusion, blessing, destiny, dream,
Form: Other
Premium Member Joyfully Dancing
.... . * . . . * . . . . . . ......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, analogy, appreciation, beauty, dance,
Form: Shape
The Daily Star Tuesday Issue
...The daily star Tuesday issue... announces Summer Solstice 2023 regarding ray zing planetary earthlings Wednesday, June twenty first at 10:57 Ante Meridian Eastern standard time will find Ea......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, age, angel, appreciation, beautiful,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dance of Delight
...Mundane daily chores beg us for encores but we’re in a trance, feeling bliss beats prance. Our vaporised self dances by itself to the cosmic drum, music of spheres strum. In f......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, dance, joy, spiritual,
Form: Jueju
Premium Member A Bowler Made of Down
...I’m considering becoming a circus clown For clowns bring joy to others, it seems, And, I shall wear a bowler made of down. In the winter I will wear a velvet gown From a lectern I’l......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, clothes, fantasy, fun, me,
Form: Villanelle
Summer Solstice 2021 Iii
...Awake to the celestial sea chant Starry-eyed dark matter of infinite space Espied by countless eons since original human race Became cognizant of her/ his terrestrial place Gilding the heave......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
...You need hope 4 walls around you Maslow’s hierachy of needs To look up at She had played two encores Was the show over? Standing with her back toward us, tuning her guitar Black top and jean......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, deep, drink, firework, magic,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Universal Bayonet
...crowded poppy field cover the trenches red crowns hide bone meal and sculls abundance disfigures the pain and yet Field Marshall and Tambourine Major demand endless encores as if ano......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Breath of Spring
...Inhale ballets of swaying spring fragrance. Perfumery leaps upon warm breezes, swirling her into spingtide's guided dance~ gentle caresses, romantic teases. Soars of bird encores sing, fresh wi......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, creation, flower, garden, happy,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Keep Him Posted
...He left her alone went to work daily, he worked as a clerk at the old bailey, but he was gay and loved his boss, and he did not give her a toss, cheated on her to carry on gayly! She knew husb......Read the rest...
Categories: encores, animal, boyfriend, desire,
Form: Limerick

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