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Dance of Delight

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Mundane daily chores beg us for encores but we’re in a trance, feeling bliss beats prance. Our vaporised self dances by itself to the cosmic drum, music of spheres strum. In form, here, now, this, purrs rapturous bliss as we choose to burn in our body urn. Heightens our delight beholding God’s light, that becomes our own, within heart, home grown. 17-September-2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 9/16/2022 8:34:00 PM
Lovely jueju. You are such a pro with forms like these!
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Unseeking Seeker
Date: 9/16/2022 9:12:00 PM
Thank you, dear Andrea! Yes, I do like the Jueju form ~ it’s compact and rhythmic

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