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Electronic Poems - Poems about Electronic

Electronic Poems - Examples of all types of poems about electronic to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for electronic.
Blood Red Carpet
Melted in the background of the forefront of my mind Thinking about all of the thoughts I've left far behind Now everything within my head seems so very intertwined The asterisk by...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, corruption, dark, deep, power,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Life On Line
Oh, latest iPad, may I hang thee, From the nearest garden tree! A Grinch, thou art and nothing more. Causing me, endless problems galore! As always, Safari is to blame? Almost a tune, that puts me to shame. Why is it...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme

Electronic Bell
When the telephone rings, There's a message it brings....Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, technology,
Form: Epigram

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Leave Electronic Devices Aside - Enjoy Spring
Oh man! Just go out and see Nature has created a picturesque symphony Tree are birthing leaves fruits flowers. It is green and colourful Breeze is blowing, birds are mating, sun is warm welcoming Just shut down your electronic devices go out enjoy Nature...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, spring,
Form: Free verse
Electronic Expression
D-elightful O-pus' N-ote N-icely A-dvances V-irtual H-appiness I-n E-lectrronic E-xpression D-eploying E-fficacious P-rogram Topic: Birthday of Donna Vhie L. Edep (January 27) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Electronic Assassinations
It was a strange day when I realized I couldn't talk to strangers anymore the connection I had with them seemed to be disabled seems I'd been kick out through some unacceptable door free speech and opinions where no...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, discrimination, perspective, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Looking For Love Electronic
Looking for love on computer lines in the faces of many strangers where no light of love ever shines dancing in and out of dangers. Looking for love electronic manly visages on pages. No welcome home yet in the dark, broad range...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Masquerade
Living in a masquerade Hiding our truths in the shade Veiled Behind electronic devices The Physical world Minimises Concealed behind a blue and white light No melatonin released at night Our brains don’t accept it’s time to sleep...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, addiction, computer, slavery, technology,
Form: Rhyme
I Sent You a Voicemail Confessing My Love, But the Service Was Terrible
Hello I hope all is Can hear me? ‘ts me (youknowwho) need say Something Don’t ...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, 10th grade, courage, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Electronic Mail
C-hat H-as A-pt R-ooms L-etting I-ts N-otable E-lectronic M-ail A-nd L-etters I-nform G-oogle D-ependents O-n N-ice G-reetings Topic: Birthday of Charline Maligdong (January 15) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Social Security Electronic Deposit
Social Security Electronic Deposit ruff lee = A Dog Send! Node out if Trump pad hiz way... this scrivener would batten down in skidrow with the missus, ...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, angst, atheist, care, dark,
Form: Metrical Tale
Premium Member Jump Into the Electronic Age
If you are not computer literate you are missing a universe that is accessible, and ready to greet you. You are missing a whole language, that the young people understand, and converse in, totally. You are missing...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, perspective, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I-Pad and I-Phone Annoyance
The I-phone buzzes off and on all night. An annoying sound, perils of playing multitude of word games. Mostly scrabble, but others. Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. I turn it off, but the buzzing continues. In uneven intervals, Not...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, perspective,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Meeting Cancelled At Last Second
Cancel email came after work So of course three of us missed it Other nine stayed off the ice Comfy in their jammies Eating sweet warm toast Watching TV Annoying Us Three Lots...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, perspective,
Form: Nonet
Premium Member Our Current Electronic Station
If you have to do anything in furious moderation, Please do not let it be electronic, I-pad automation. The techno-magic- facetime and texting surely fits our station. Keeping us in a perpetual state of nonhuman...Read the rest...
Categories: electronic, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry