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Life On Line

Oh, latest iPad, may I hang thee, From the nearest garden tree! A Grinch, thou art and nothing more. Causing me, endless problems galore! As always, Safari is to blame? Almost a tune, that puts me to shame. Why is it I , who is always at fault? I dream of joyful days of saddleshoes and malts. Of humanity speaking, face to face. And of being social, was of no disgrace! Typewriters and mail, oh how I love! This electronic age, hardly hand in my glove. I miss the aroma of fresh, pencil shavings. Thus goes, my off the wall nightly ravings. People no longer look at the beauty of one another. Pasty- faced countenances adoring their beloved, electronic other ! A ghost faced, global society? Which dreams a worthless vaccine can save humanity? I despise propopganda with my entire being. And on our devices, is all right we are seeeing. 9/30/2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 9/30/2021 3:31:00 PM
So true. People live on devices instead of face to face ... I remember the "Good Old Days" too. God bless you friend. Love, Gina
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/30/2021 4:54:00 PM
JUst look at that outstanding photo of you! For heavens sake, masks are proven. to be Ineffective I don’t want you behind a mask or 2 year olds. The truth is ones vaxxed are getting every the variants or second cases.worse are Poet_ doctors here, pushing Passive poets to run get the vax. Biblical supremacistsare here. You also turn friend against friend. Shame on you.You, just who feign humility but are here to destroy us.....bad as BIDEN,go away. Pangie
Date: 9/30/2021 3:03:00 PM
Great write my friend. Oh I do so agree. I long for the days before computers. When my typewriter died and I couldn't find anyone to fix it I felt like I had lost an old and much loved friend. Good stuff. A fave. God Bless, JB
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/30/2021 5:06:00 PM
Judy..,they still sellne Typewriters. Plus no radiation from Wi Fi when using electronics all over our house. Luckily am wi Fi sensitive. Cannot be near any. Oh, my you faved this? I thank you. Am submitting to another site that supports No socialism and honors God and this country. They k ow howevil China is. Pangie Dems attacking religion, law and order. Conservatives, please stop hiding. It’s not a virus))) Pangie
Date: 9/30/2021 11:32:00 AM
Hello Panagiota, yes you are frustrated with the new I Pad. I understand that. I understand it takes time to get use to it. Hugs Darlene
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 10/1/2021 10:41:00 AM
Hello Panagiota, I also prefer humans than machines to talk/Hugs
Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/30/2021 12:14:00 PM
Yes....the other one is 20 years old. This one is quite Different, But I also addressed all this life on line coldnesss. Prefer humans to a iPad any day.LOL. Plus the laying butted social Media and Fake News. Pew?loland not so LOL. Pangie

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