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Jump Into the Electronic Age

If you are not computer literate you are missing a universe that is accessible, and ready to greet you. You are missing a whole language, that the young people understand, and converse in, totally. You are missing pen pals from all around the world, and you are missing photos of countries you may never visit. My mother who is eighty-seven knew this, so she learned computer ten years ago, and she has upgraded twice. If you do not know what I am talking about, take a computer course, learn how to do email, it might Be the only thing that keeps you in touch with grandchildren who have never seen a written letter. If you are not computer savvy, you are missing Pinterest, one of my favorite sites on the net. Yes, the net is internet, see you figured that out. You are ready to be taught other things. You are also missing U-tube where completely uneducated people are making millions of dollars Constantly talking, without making any real sense, and being the kind of silly that appeals to nine-year-olds. A cat on U-tube has paid for three houses, and all she has to do is dress up while her owners talk about what her plans are for that day. Advertisers apparently are putting a lot of money into this kind of insanity. If you do not know the language of text messages, if you do not speak about cookies that do not come out of the oven if you think an I-pad plays music, you are being rapidly left behind in the electronic dust. Pick yourself up and learn the language, so you can jump into those Thanksgiving conversations and wow your grands.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 9/7/2018 2:27:00 AM
My husband had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the electronic age, (it literally took years to get him to use a simple email account)... and now I cannot get him OFF my computer! LOL! So many people just don't know what they're missing- especially on Pinterest (one of my faves, too)!
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Date: 9/5/2018 3:36:00 PM
Very true Caren, the electronic age is here to stay. Where else could we read brilliant works from poets on here who live all around the world. Tom
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