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Earned Poems - Poems about Earned

Earned Poems - Examples of all types of poems about earned to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for earned.
Premium Member The New You
Let's weigh in on all the people out there trying to lose weight The makeup of our bodies we have had a long time to create If it is easy to shed those unwanted pounds the task...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Love Is Given But Respect Is Earned
Love is given but respect is earned Remember that lest you be burned Every life lesson ends in pain But the knife stops just short of the vein Another attempt in vain But there is a small blood stain My heart...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, depression, encouraging, feelings, how
Form: Free verse

I earned a name quite a few years ago
et·y·mo·log·i·cal adjective relating to the origin and historical development of words and their meanings: "an etymological dictionary" · "the etymological roots of the word are of interest." I earned a name quite a few years ago. The name is Adam...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, brother,
Form: Bio

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Change Should Always Be Hard Earned
When change is hard earned, We know hard lessons have been learned, And we are less likely to get burned, By the kind of change we have earned, When we forget that time served, In giving minds time to...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, age, analogy, baptism, bible,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Never Earned Big Dollars
Oh what a beautiful morning The sun is shining bright If they told me I won a million dollars I couldn't exhibit more delight It's one of those days, full of fun Filled with happiness and joy Just found out I'm...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, character,
Form: Rhyme

Peace Was Never Found But Earned
I am thankful to the universe for it's love and support I will harness your endless supply of energy And destroy the destroyers of worlds I never forgot dear fog what my enemies said when they trampled...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, abuse, africa, birth, dark,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Well-Earned Station
At last, when my soul shall find its rest, And I shall relish those days of consolation When someone says I have met the test I am worthy of my well-earned station, I’ll sigh, well, I escaped hell and...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, death, future, heaven, how
Form: Quintain (English)
Our Lord Glory Was Earned
His grace returned Beautiful messenger of one Delivered beyond Hidden away With much to say When searching to stand Proved we can Safely within his land God expanded beyond our hands Protected our forever Like our precious Mother Dispersion Excursion Deeper A receiver Through every color Delivered God honor Setting the...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, blessing, devotion, faith, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
When Squirrels Earned Their Stripes - Ii
Rama pleaded with the sea to give a way, Adamant he too hard was when to melt, Wiser was made, reason failing to pay, Ere long a challenging duel was when dealt. They began thence building...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, work,
Form: Epic
When Squirrels Earned Their Stripes - I
No man's too small to hoist a helping hand, Nor any a deed too small if well-meant, Nor a task too tough for a noble end, Mind can if means can't make a mighty dent. A journey of a...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, hero, work,
Form: Epic
Premium Member My Well Earned Utopia
The colors opened up my artist mind and made her cry. With delight, enthusiasm pouring down my body. Which is svelte, tall, the fragrance of cherry blossoms. The creatures here are asexual, so there is no pressure. My utopia...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, heaven,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member You've Earned It
Mom, you were the emotional glue that held together a family, of thirteen children, and a husband back from two wars with post-traumatic stress disorder, that left him with a drunken disposition. Teaching us how to enjoy life you'd...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, 9th grade, death, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Trust Is Earned
Trust Is Earned An Opinion: by Tom 3/6/2020 Congress has become a valley of vipers, each person has an agenda of their own. From the halls of congress some lurk as snipers, sharing ideas causing others bemoan. Opinion polls show us...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, political, trust, truth,
Form: Lyric
You Earned It
According to Sigmund Keeple Bad things happen to good people The Karma rule Whacks the cruel Like lightning striking a steeple...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, philosophy, religion,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Well Earned Hug
Whispers from a golden sycamore, it willingly dispenses green leaf secrets to us souls in autumn phase. Branches creak but somehow never break despite the brittle onslaughts from an ever changing volatile environment. Sagacious watchdogs for all...Read the rest...
Categories: earned, blessing, color, emotions, encouraging,
Form: Prose Poetry

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry