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Dive Poems - Poems about Dive

Premium Member Wings to Fins: A Flight from Cruelty, A Dive into Peace
When I was a terrorized, tortured, petrified child, I would look up- into the vast, clear blue, empty space, and wish I were a bird. To spread my wings, rise beyond reach, dip through clouds like whispers, ride the blustery winds, and...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, abuse, adventure, animal, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I dive into the cauldron
and in my dream I plunge deep into a magic cauldron it is not a pot, vat, or tank not a vessel of any kind but a turquois ocean where blue waves crash over me I plummet and vanish down, down to...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, magic,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member I dive into thoughts, wishing my verses would soar ever higher
I dive into thoughts, wishing my verses would soar ever higher, Like a bird with boundless wings, lost in distant and divine horizons, But they only float, like water birds with netted feet, Tilting their wings in vain,...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Miraculous Sky Dive
Soon festive time will arrive To remind us that Christ’s alive Celebrate the birth With much joy and mirth Praise the miraculous sky dive....Read the rest...
Categories: dive, christmas, miracle,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Such The Serendipitous Dive Bar
Such the serendipitous dive bar, a man walked in who was almost missed; “You are destined” he said “for ‘Rockstar on tour.’ Go and dust off that setlist.” “Throw out all those decrepit covers. I’ve got your back let’s send...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, confidence, emotions, feelings, music,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member Coral Cosmos
Drifting, drifting we float, in azure abysses aglow Drifting, drifting we glide, amidst aquatic artistry's flow Drifting, drifting we go, where coral constellations grow Swimming, swimming we surge, through sapphire seas serene Swimming, swimming we swirl, where silent symphonies...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, feelings, nostalgia, ocean, sea,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member which mess do I dive into first
which mess do I dive into first? When I left my schools this year I took it all. It was easier to bring home to sort. This was a daunting, horrible energy-stealing task. I put it off for over...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, life,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Four Limericks
#1 Topless Mermaid Big bully who teased younger Guy Said, "dude, go give it a try! A mermaid, No shells, at the bottom,!” he yells… … and boy, he ran head first to dive! #2. Literal Lot Literal Lot, temper so hot, Symbolic...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, boy, funny,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member dive bomb dog
He lives with dive bomb dog they warned me I had no idea what that meant They shove him off rooftops Hoping he can get his paws to the gear lever in time I soon learned what it meant Are...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, dog,
Form: Free verse
The Dive
I wanted to find freedom To be all by myself To do the things I’d love to do Put nothing on the shelf And then, at last I found her She was awesome, she was fun She took...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, child, fun, life,
Form: Ballad
Dive Bar
A steady hand lifts the glass mug of the next regret. He twirled me on the dance floor, left stained by blue collar shoeprints and leaky pints. In the corner, the referee refuses to let there be...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, addiction, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Angry Dolphins
Precariously poised on the precipitous precipice, I pondered whether a nose-dive plummet into the whirlpool lagoon below was prudent, well-advised and provident. But the angry impassive persona, of the ever so cross porpoises, seen purposefully prancing there gawking up at me, persuaded me...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dive Bar Bomb Was Yesterday's Poem
I wrote a poem last night named Dive Bar Bomb As the confidence of eyeliner, a red dress and Guinness went to my head I didn't dance and twirl but I felt exciting It's not about the male...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member - Haiku X 241 - a Cold Dive -
his mind is engaged cold dive into...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, animal, nature, winter,
Form: Haiku
Dive, Dive, Dive
DIVE, DIVE, DIVE Dive, dive, dive Deep into the dim dark where You fall into the arms of an ending Which is a new, unknown beginning Of separate existence beyond And over everything before, The welcome is obvious, But to you...Read the rest...
Categories: dive, courage, dark, freedom, hope,
Form: Free verse

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