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Distracted Poems - Poems about Distracted

Distracted and Disconnected Disdainfully
Drowning in regret I have been mighty upset Sad company met...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, angst, anxiety, sorrow, strength,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member distracted by how things feel
the ball rolls does it hit the inside or the outside regardless I'm jolted ...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, emotions,
Form: Free verse

Dear Heart
Oh, my dear lovely heart ...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, 7th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member She Is Easily Distracted
Try to act like a grown up I told my husband. He rolled his eyes. We were in the car, and I could not see them, but I knew. We are on the way to our child’s...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, school, teacher,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Let Me Not Be So Distracted
Let me not be so distracted by the nay-sayers For whom everything seems to be doomed, With those who rely on holier-than-thou prayers Help me not to allow myself to be consumed. May I find myself giving out optimistic...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, america, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme

Flying Distracted Witch
Evil witch with broom and hat Flew past the moon just like a bat Reached back to give her cat a pat Distracted flying plus tree equaled SPLAT!...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, halloween,
Form: Monorhyme
Feeling that pain in my mind In my heart Hurting so bad I’m falling apart I gave it my all put in a 100% Can’t hate me a little Can’t hate me a bit Leave it...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, anger,
Form: Rhyme
A Sad Pavan For These Distracted Times
An almost April falls as if the season were feeble and elderly already. It is a Pavan for a dying princess; see how she is laid upon the yellowing grass her beauty reflected like icy droplets on Spring stems. Do...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, poetry,
Form: Free verse
You turned my tracks and they guide me off. Slipped off my proper vision. Still, how can I say that, I'm lost, inside me.... my world trembles in fear, and you are the fault. You, distracted me....Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, 10th grade, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Easily Distracted
Is it that time gets away from me Or that every second has its own story to tell And that my circuits get overloaded at times? In truth, some seconds are astounding: Like when the illegal 'Dragon's...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, beauty, firework, science, violence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Distracted Walking Law
No walking while distracted - that's the law Don't leave the kerb and step under a bus Don't oggle that hulk, nor admire that chick Keep all eyes on the road No rocking along to music box No whistling or...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, self, social,
Form: Grook
Some dull professor droned And from my heart Right to my pen In cursive sprang This lovely name, Notebook margins filled: Kelly Kelly Kelly...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, longing, love, memory,
Form: Free verse
While getting off the bus, a woman Saw her cell phone fall. She leaned to pick it up, Perhaps to get or make a call. The driver pulled out from the curb But crushed her with his tire. He didn’t have...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, city, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Distracted Scholar
THE DISTRACTED SCHOLAR Across the page in gothic script Your clever hand has made a word It gently sits upon my ripped Peace like a singing bird The word is proof you’re in the world - I touch the page,...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, angel, hero, inspiration,
Form: Sonnet
The Distracted Driver
The Distracted Driver By Elton Camp Behind the wheel, Sue won’t use her cell phone But she eats while driving anytime she is gone She grasps a king-sized burger in her right hand With the left, take a slurp of...Read the rest...
Categories: distracted, funny,
Form: Rhyme

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