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Diner Poems - Poems about Diner

A Lone Diner at the Snout to Tail Bistro
She sent back the last order, as well. This time, she shook her head like a dog in the rain, like a posh-frock woman having "a spell." The brimming broth, she said, had a bitterness that swelled and stung...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, angst, city, food, loneliness,
Form: Free verse
A Moment at the Diner
She bestowed a belgard from across the diner. It was rich and warm, like the bowl of buttery grits that steamed the hairs in my nostrils. Then suddenly an invisible magnet slowly pulled my hungry eyes from...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, appreciation, beautiful, dance, feelings,
Form: Narrative

Place to eat I can’t say Evanston Diner can’t be beat Location being the town of Evanston, Wyoming Bound for Los Angeles, California A stop on Greyhound Bus You know the slogan, “Leave the Driving to us” Limited food There was no...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, america, business, food, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member welcome to the fifties diner
Welcome to the fifty’s diner Where there are chrome stools Black, red and white leather seats A checkered floor Everything matches A soda machine is standing ready The chef is heating up the fryer Burgers and fries are the main stay The waitress...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, nostalgia,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Fallen into a Fifties Diner
Janice is as fresh and pretty as a fifties diner That opened a week ago, said Cuz. We saw her sitting at the counter And we saw how fresh and crisp she was Her freshly-washed pin-curls give her that...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Heather
Heather, Oh Heather The worst waitress ever Whenever will you come back to me? I sit here forever No service is rendered And never do ever complain Heather, Oh Heather It’s so hard to remember And it’s easy as pie to forget With...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, humorous, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Their Sick Shes Funny Family Diner
a-lot-a money how you run it doesn’t want her to go Seen ‘‘em leave like rookie pro...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, hate, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Edward Hopper: Automat
an automat whose orbs of light reflect and touch the void of night a refuge from the twenties’ roar trapped in her thoughts without a door a table, cup and gloveless hand alone together in her land a bowl of fruit...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, art,
Form: Ekphrasis
Chants In a Breakfast Diner
The door rings I look up then back to my eggs and hash browns. The door rings I look up nobody I know, my first time here why should I know anyone! Back to the eggs. Two sunny-side-up, the busting of yellow yokes with a tip...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, poetry,
Form: Free verse
The Diner
Hang a left, clunker rocking on sprung shocks. Inside, narrows taper to booths. The place is slow-time empty. The staff talk is griddle speech, a blow by blow banter, middle finger smarts mixed with vowels of regrets. From the lips of waitresses the clipped history of...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Silver Coin Diner
On the way to the New Jersey Shore, make a stop there if you never have before. Travel eastward along U. S. Route 30, you will find this place that will be easy to see. It's located in the...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, food, places,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Warmth of a Winters Diner
The Warmth of a Winters Dinner David J Walker The blackened cast-iron caldron Sat on the stove burner waiting for The task to begin the water and the low flame taking its time all day to claim a winters meal...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member halloween diner
ghost waiter blimey dondo went haunting in a condo rushing a flurry with pot of curry hope sir you like potato. ...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, anxiety, autumn, bullying, funny,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Rural State of Time
Inside the coffee shop At the counter a beat cop Being a routine buyer Late night special that soon will expire Keeping tabs On those driving cabs Is the dispatcher Finding a matcher Make the...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, america, appreciation, community, friend,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hard Boiled Eggs For Diner
hard boiled eggs for diner Pew! what ya know , I laid a few toot toot then a dump what a pretty lump hard boiled eggs for diner, you?...Read the rest...
Categories: diner, assonance,
Form: Limerick

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