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Dashing Poems - Poems about Dashing

Dashing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about dashing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for dashing.
A Dashing Young Knight
A dashing young knight from days of ole, Who captured my heart and and touched my soul. He would speak such words of love that would take my breath away, And promised he would take me to...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, emotions, love, missing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dashing Ole' St Nick
I'm sending my love, And here's a hug too Wishing nothing but The absolute best for you. With love and esteem, We shall find our way Hoping, and waiting for Ole' St Nick Come and let's go play! There's rumbling...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, blessing, celebration, christian, christmas,
Form: Narrative

Be Mine
"BE MINE" THE SONG OF HEART ...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Ode To Human Immuno Deficiency Virus
Hi we wear and cage if we feel like peppered if we ever awe by worrying if we ever contact a cultivated mistress of excuses and hardlucks acids and gas are explosions hey we may catch fire if we will be remaining dim...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, love,
Form: Ode
Manana's Manna
Thrice better is the cowardly creeper Than a passionless lion laxing tame, Who toothless lies as lesser beasts Plot and paw jungle's sleeker game. More inspiring than any genius wit Is the dim-footed guesser ever out For new surprises...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, 7th grade, adventure, allegory,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Randy Wanted To Be Dashing
Standing reverent in a dull cast mist glazing my cheeks while prayers were said so silent stood at Rand's memorial My mind dashed to the self-drawn sketch he staged as "The Youthful Raconteur"; profile, pipe, wavy cinema legend hair - his...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, brother, death, destiny, earth,
Form: Free verse
Dashing Thur the Snow
as the snow fall comes down the wall its kids and snow ball its christmas gifts for all and lover slashing and DASHING THUR THE SNOW...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, adventure,
Form: Prose Poetry
Menu a Or Menu B Is Quite a Dashing Dilemma
Menu A or Menu B ? oh dear! quite a dilemma really. ha Tadpoles induced symphonies in a bowl of custard cued. But cued is neither curd nor carved caverns catering cafés. Cafés cage craterous carefully...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, autumn,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Limerick: Once a Dashing Damsel With Tough Biceps
Limerick : Once a dashing Damsel with tough biceps Once a dashing Damsel with tough biceps Tried to bulge her pectorals with triceps Compressed air back-fired To where moon was mired Since then carries pec-pumps in contracepts. © T. Wignesan –...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, humor,
Form: Limerick
A Dashing Blade
In a house high on a hill an old man grows weak, many years have gone, he lays in his old bed, Back in the day, a dashing young officer with a brilliant red uniform he...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, nostalgia, beautiful, old, sweet,
Form: Prose Poetry
Mermaid's Milk: a Collaboration With the Still Dashing David Williams
The moss clung tightly; making it unbearable to breathe, and she sealed her lips tighter than a clam’s— not letting the pain take over As the stars drift silently, like ships on a lost sea of...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, hope, mystery, me, song,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Dashing Barnstormer
Over the horizon is heard the sputtering engine of an unusual bird. Trailing a billowing plume of smoke, it looked so pathetically absurd! Coming into view was an old Curtiss Jenny of World War One fame. Used only...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, childhood, funny, war, world,
Form: Rhyme
As Morning Comes Dashing In
Another day can be added to your blessed years, as morning comes dashing in to wake you at six; bright sunrays can dry all tears and ease fears... ponder over your life, nothing seems complex! Achieving each dream takes...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, anniversary, happiness, love, nature,
Form: Rispetto
A Night of Dashing
A Night of Dashing Little round circles, circles of red, Peering out those lonely lashes. Two little suns waiting for setting, Relieved to know…the bright lights stop flashing. Tiny little cries…”Turn me on with endless sleep. Just you and me I...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, confusionnight, me, night,
Form: I do not know?
Dashing Through the Mall
Dashing through the mall with a charge card in my fist Wondering why I ever wrote a Christmas present list The jeans my daughter wanted were torn around the knees I couldn't spend a hundred bucks although they'd...Read the rest...
Categories: dashing, holiday
Form: Rhyme

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