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Dark Haired Poems - Poems about Dark Haired

Dark Haired Poems - Examples of all types of poems about dark haired to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for dark haired.
...And just when I thought life was turning gray, A beam of sunshine cleaving clouds asunder Strolls into my sight and I must wonder, Who is this that I meet this moody day? That spotlight aura b......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, desire, love, lust, passion,
Form: Sonnet
Lost Ground
...Somewhere in the general melee we lost our imaginary horses, their ghostly neighing added pathos to this momentous moment. It was decided, we boys, and one sis......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Haunting of the Moon
...She comes when the Moon is heavy With wishes from many a maid Who with passionate longing, Their dreams upon it laid She comes when night is warmest In the time of the southern winds That bri......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, betrayal, death, fantasy, halloween,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Down in the Dumps
... I once had me a dark-haired lover, I was riding high on our romance. She said she would be mine forever, so, I decided to take the chance. Then I found out she was the devil, just all dresse......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Haunting of the Moon
...The Haunting of the Moon She comes when the Moon is heavy With wishes from many a maid Who with passionate longing, Their dreams upon it laid She comes when night is warmest In the time o......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, lost love, moon, myth,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Unkept keepsakes
...The t.v. series, A Little Princess, reminds me of my dad's gift of a dark-haired porcelain doll... ...I gave away to compensate for feeling spoiled --that I begged for her at all Being......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, father daughter, giving, heaven,
Form: Ode
Premium Member Milton Creek, Another Chapter
...The sun had just risen over town, it was a beautiful morning And outside Baker's new Bakery, a long queue was forming The aroma of fresh baking was lingering in the morning air Words alone can......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, america, western,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Next Love
...Next Love. Dark eyes are looking for you A warm smile wearing something new A surprise encounter And love comes into view. A stranger knows who you are You’re her planet she’s the star A s......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Myth of Hadrian the Dark Haired Emperor
...there are some people I do know they speak of places I can't go ooh then some if God is real might should I ask the chores of one done by two Makes easy the task? Hadian speak to the Roma......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, music, myth, perspective, romantic
Form: Bio
...Learned a new word today, it was 'drow' - a dark-haired, white skinned elf often seen leaving a video game to haunt real woods. This is a strange multi-layered world, what we imagine, form fr......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Return To Willerton
...The cemetery was still but not silent as Ben Braxton leaned against the rough trunk of an ancient oak. It stood apart from the mourners, yet close enough that he could clearly see and hear them. His......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, death of a friend,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Candy - Typos Edited
...Candy placed her towel on one of the many shelves that separated the weight-lifting area of the gym from that of the stationary bikes and treadmills. Tossed casually next to the towel were two keys –......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, conflict, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Flat Stomach
..."Piece of "(Sarah Cahill's friend), when I was eight, I think you forced yourself into my home, my safe space- a blue truck pulled up to the front of my mother's, and father's house, a dad with ......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, anger, angst,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member No Laughing Matter
...(I can't get a question mark to stay on title line, but the actual title I would prefer for this story is probably this: No laughing Matter?) Let me tell you a story . . . When I was ar......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, humorous,
Form: Narrative
How I Really Feel
...I used to believe that I could not go a day without your smile. The proverb gives an inch, She wanted a mile. The day arrived, it was hard, The next was harder. The sun went away, M......Read the rest...
Categories: dark haired, heartbreak, heartbroken,
Form: Rhyme

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