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Crepe Poems - Poems about Crepe

Crepe Poems - Examples of all types of poems about crepe to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for crepe.
Hand Me a Crepe, Myrtle
As the garden grows… This one is For Sythia Rose may not agree She’s the one who seems to think ...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, flower, fun, funny, garden,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Prunellas Majestic Myrtles
Prunella loved the color purple, planting some lovely Crepe Myrtle’s; they had a humongous growth spurt, all due to her nitro-rich dirt, now her yard’s a Myrtle hurdle. 6-11-2022 Contest / A Funny Limerick - Any Theme Contest Tania kitchen...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, animal, flower, nature, poems,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Crepe Suzette
a prime example of ridiculous, over-the-top silliness, akin to Fibonacci in many ways, but having even fewer specific requirements; the number of syllables in every line must be a prime number, but no regard is given as to whether successive repeats are...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, math, silly,
Form: Suzette Prime

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Crepe
crepe myrtle loaded with berries.... vehicles breeze by crepe myrtle sways but no wind.... poet wonders~~lightbulb I was sitting in the truck while my husband was inside a big boy toy store and I noticed this crepe myrtle was...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, introspection, life,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Crepe-Myrtle Flowers
Eventide’s misty winds gently oscillate Colorful clusters of crepe-myrtle flowers Crowning atop rows of elegant tree-trunks Blooms lavender, pink, red, and purple Hanging in air from tips of twigs slender Bowing to earth, donning green foliage Arrayed in symmetrical flower-bouquets. On...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, flower,
Form: Imagism

Premium Member Crepe Myrtles
Crepe myrtles are not supposed to grow in Kansas but in my gardens they flourish thanks to my green thumb and lots of love and communication. I appreciate them and they thrive, feeling cherished. ...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, flower, garden,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Im a Crepe Myrtle
I’m a Crepe Myrtle By: Tom Wright 10-15-2019 I’m the crepe myrtle attempting to grow where I shouldn’t be. I birthed from a wind deposited seed that landed in a sidewalk crack, and lean against your porch’s rock column. I grow two...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, appreciation, autumn, nature, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Crepe Myrtle
The Crepe Myrtle bursts raspberry exuberance in early August's burning. Now's when I miss you. Soon alder leaves like hearts bleed red, pass my window churning. 8/14/17...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, imagery, lost love, tree,
Form: Sedoka
Premium Member Crepe Myrtle
A Row Of green With blossoms Crepe Myrtle in bloom Magenta against spring green leaves Evidence of summer displayed in full glorious colors ...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, summer,
Form: Fibonacci
Premium Member Crepe Paper
C rinkley lines upon angel wings R ippling in air to songs that ring E ntertain some people as they view P eevish part of the body fair E arth bound wings some despair P alsied shaking covered in summer A...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, winter,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Crepe Myrtle
Lost like unused syllables in unrhyming words petals of frilled sorrow drip to the earth from weeping trees, crying each filigreed petal slowly, one by one, in cascades of gentle tears to their tender rest, shaping billowing...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, flower, tree,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Crepe Myrtle
crepe myrtle's bare limbs peeled bark reveals red-brown tone... sparse seed pods remain ...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Crepe De Chine
Melting butter Luxuriously pampering To my palate Gentle stream with quiet ripples Cool placid lake at summer’s end Soft butterfly kisses on skin Crepe de chine ~*~ Annalise Weave a Rondolet Contest Sponsored by Nette...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, dedication,
Form: Rondeau
Crepe Myrtle
hot pink wig blowing in the wind around thick limbs razor smooth barkless For Linda Marie's contest...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, funny, nature
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Crepe Myrtle
Crepe Myrtle flower Delicate inviting bees Come early breakfast...Read the rest...
Categories: crepe, nature
Form: Haiku

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry