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Contests Poems - Poems about Contests

Premium Member When Glenn Hughes Contests Reigned
The contests started slowly all in appreciation of Glenn Hughes Only a few would enter using inspired words so eloquently But in due time the Glenn Hughes contests caught on fire and everyone was scrambling to enter The contests...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Poetry Contests I Do Not Enter
write the most depressing mournful doleful macabre missive make sure it is less than one hundred words write something you would be embarrassed to write. make sure it is less than one hundred and fifty words. write a poem...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, writing,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member one point
He stands, mocking, full of his worth and crowned by stinging opinion He’s won. By one. ‘Not even one whole point’ I want to say to everyone - ‘by a rounding error.’ We rejoice in wooden dialogue snaps are fired, content...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, humor, psychological, school, sometimes,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Poetry contests
we have been asked to police contest entries for plagiarism relying on unproven software sponsors are expected to comply to make judging somewhat fair perhaps we need to introspect why are contests floated at all is it not to cajole poets...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Poetry Contests are Fabulous
I like poetry contests, because it is terrific to imagine what is being sought. I especially like the ones that have made up words, guidelines, and artwork. they are a delightful challenge to me and they give...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, poetry,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Poem writing used to be my hobby
In sorrow, I turned to writing verse, To ease the pain, my heart immerse. Love, nature, family, and spirituality, Themes that flowed, with sincerity. Years passed, inspiration took flight, A hundred poems, crafted with might....Read the rest...
Categories: contests, poems,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member On Contests
Limits should be set in many situations, contests being one. Better, however, are by these: sensible, clear instructions....Read the rest...
Categories: contests, writing,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member A Lighthearted Peek At The Apocalyptic World Of Poetry Contests
This contest style’s description is one I’ve never heard I’m unfamiliar with that particular word An internet search comes up empty However, others seem to have poems aplenty My eyes are getting blurry a total collapse...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, fun, humor, satire, word
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Scarred by poetry contests
be authentic be true to the song playing in your heart there is no need to contract consciousness by betraying the muse reverberating within imitation as flattery scars the soul recognise and celebrate your uniqueness...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, courage, muse, poets,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Winning Poetry Contests is a Numbers Game
Not a professional contest-enterer, because I am not paid, but whee… I have entered a bunch of contests, -actually six thousand and three. This is a numbers game, I delight in the variety of ideas they give...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Like Poetry Contests
I like poetry contests, because it is terrific to imagine what is being sought. I especially like the ones that have made up words, guidelines, and artwork. they are a delightful challenge to me and they give...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, poetry,
Form: Narrative
Prophetical Contests
Prophetical contests When I see many poetry contests Some competitions of some master poets I always wish to see competitions of prophets. As prophet Elijah competed with the Prophets of Baal. As how  Prophet Daniel described And interpreted the statue...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, christian, community, inspirational, religious,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Poetry Soup Addiction
Why do I have a distinct feeling that Some of us are addicted to Poetry Soup? I look so forward to my Soup Mail chats And those occasional poems about poop! First thing in the morning I check to...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, fun, poetry, writing,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Contesting Contested Contests Jh22
Drivel Driveling Driveled...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, abuse, perspective, poems, recovery
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Thoughts On Poetry Contests
Someone inquired of me about poetry contests, And I shared some thoughts and considerations, The contests, I wrote, are an incentive to write Learning about poetry’s forms and foundations. Don’t enter a contest for an opinion of your work For...Read the rest...
Categories: contests, poetry, writing,
Form: Rhyme

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