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Circumstance Poems - Poems about Circumstance

Circumstance Poems - Examples of all types of poems about circumstance to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for circumstance.
Premium Member Age and Circumstance
Age and circumstance conspire As the will waffles Beneath the weight Of the unanticipated Present A gift They called it This aging thing A crumpled box Found in the dark corner Of forgetfulness The softening Of the delicious Into the bruised torment Of a long-forgotten season And yet The core contains...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, age, life, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Clover's In the Bottom Right-Hand Corner Doing the Best with What Circumstance Brought Her
The ruffle of fleece at her neck makes her feel manufactured, not born— brushstrokes of windswept wool, all soft edges and curves the color of old milk. Her lips were no artist's accident, nor the smirk as she lurks in the corner...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, art, extended metaphor,
Form: Ekphrasis

Premium Member Beyond the Status Quo
Traveling far, far away from home Leaving family and friends to roam Did not expect changes it would bring To a life feeling apathy’s sting Had much pity from which to borrow Saw no bright future into tomorrows Never thought to...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, 12th grade, emotions, growing
Form: Rhyme
Odd Circumstance
A determined pull, in the opposite direction of home, Into an estranged battle field of vague dreams and gentle thought, A place where kingdoms meet, and where god must reside, What should be an ecstatic vision...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, spiritual, visionary,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A New Circumstance
Maybe I don’t belong here, maybe I once did; maybe I do, maybe none of this is the truth; Maybe it’s a shot in the dark, maybe it’s as honest as the Sun; Maybe I can, maybe just one more...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, emotions, feelings,
Form: List

Premium Member Poetic Victims of Circumstance
"Cruel birds—ravens—but wise. And creatures should be loved for their wisdom if they cannot be loved for kindness." - Hannah Kent My lover's demons are like ravenous ravens. Her love is a hand grenade triggering exploding emotions, massacring words...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, analogy, loneliness, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member U K is O K, try it for your holidays
Welcome to the British isles, where cash is flowing Where much resides, history on every side of killer Kings and queens provide, a tapestry of style and wiles Villan's and villein and many wreckers; rode tides; attuned to The...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, 11th grade, appreciation, december,
Form: Free verse
Recluse By Dint of Circumstance
Recluse by dint of circumstance Proud anonymous troglodytes forerunners of mine confronted threats less horrific than forty fifth commander in chief of United States of America. He/him (matted hair, ratty, scrawny, and tetchy ugly villain) scurried into dark...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, adventure, america, angst, anti
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pomp and Circumstance
Happy Earth Day, PS... How the majestic spectacle of Nature is revealed At the end of a dull and gloomy day When the bullying, storm-foreboding clouds give way And allow the struggling, setting sun to gild, and flush, And glorify...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, earth day,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Menu Today
Paradox humanity widespread insanity Violent diet; plus viewpoints inviolate 1970s t v box, equals the earliest intox' 2000s loaded inbox reality in kris-cross Innundated info, nightmares of unknown Control as destiny? In monster intensity' Dystopian intellect; humans at disconnect Poisoned minds, engineer...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, conflict, courage, endurance, introspection,
Form: Rhyme
Need Chance To Enhance Each Circumstance
we would need a chance to enhance each circumstance for making romance knew God would forbid long lasting being vivid about what they did always ill fated with fools am fascinated even if related we could hardly wait agree after we negotiate then may consummate when we...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Recluse By Dint of Circumstance First Cell
He/him (ratty, scrawny, and tetchy ugly villain) scurried into dark recesses of hermitage averse to cavort, frolic, inure himself into the duplicitous schemes capitalized, glorified, popularized courtesy vanity of *****sapiens lest imp of the pervert already sacrificed...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, age, analogy, animal, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Recluse By Dint of Circumstance Second Cell
Artfully dodging explosive solutions pretending shackles restrained prisoner lobbed pseudo Molotov cocktails kindly, loosely, and mutinously linkedin liberal short (make believe) chain leashed faux abysmal isolated confinement former courtly poet, who consumed prison fare equalling bread and thin gruel poetical,...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, abuse, adventure, allegory, america,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Time Has Not Changed My Circumstance
I bled a river of crimson red for many years, It's said with time one's broken heart will heal. My great love leaving me was one of my fears, I bled a river of crimson red for many...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, heartbreak,
Form: Triolet
Premium Member Strange Companions
Time and circumstance make strange companions For one is fleeting, and the other happenstance, Still, they walk hand-in-hand through our lives Like when we experience our first love, perchance. Together through the tribulations of our first romance Time and circumstance...Read the rest...
Categories: circumstance, fate, life, time,
Form: Sonnet

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