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Recluse By Dint of Circumstance First Cell

He/him (ratty, scrawny, and tetchy ugly villain) scurried into dark recesses of hermitage averse to cavort, frolic, inure himself into the duplicitous schemes capitalized, glorified, popularized courtesy vanity of *****sapiens lest imp of the pervert already sacrificed as renegade hashtagged heretic condemned without merciful intervention after being duped into capture subsequently broadcast viz TikTok, when turncoat quasi nincompoop kook Harmet Harms kickstarted, ejaculated, and blurted out hideaway of sought after perpetrator to burn (no small potatoes) at stake, but fortunately falsely accused unbound against immolation and reprieve jumpstarted, issued, and hissed eleventh hour granted clemency commuted death penalty criminal sentenced solitary isolation rat infested dungeon housing convicted prisoner ultimate crime and punishment (decreed as non establishmentarian) doled out after protracted proceedings courtesy amazing graceful puffed dragon unwittingly delivered merciful respite. After being shackled hand and foot then dragged into vermin infested cell cowled ascetic (an exceptional escape artist) busied himself disentangling restraints and suppressed giddiness when successfully free. Off behind fake facade walled in imponderable bedrock dark passageways tunneled off into unsuspecting chamber of secrets, whereby amateur (he) brewed exotic gaseous/ liquified potions tumbled, gurgled, bubbled... lethal skull and crossbones labeled mixtures especially intriguing adept alchemist expert possessed sixth sense intuitively discerning deadly scorpion stinging poisons abracadabra wizardry magic spell cast rendered, kindled, eased tormentors severity relaxed spellbound granted salvation. Hence busily engrossed at makeshift laboratory, our mutual (of Omaha) friend did potchke with vials; every now and again referencing ancient looking tome vaporous emissions served as smoke screen. Hands of father time painstakingly elapsed amidst flickr ring torchlight grotesquely accentuating exaggerating ferociously pantomiming silhouettes courtesy hungry skittering varmints hurriedly scurrying to and fro.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 5/10/2022 4:30:00 PM
Today I see it's civics that's on your mind and heart,let me share something with you remembered lest forgot.You could take 10 lbs.of the lot of them,put em in a 5 lb. tote shake vigorously see who busts the bag first, that's what Jeremiah wrote. Jeremiah 10:23...If they can't direct their own steps how would they fare any better With the masses?I'm thinking compound Interest.Missed your missive,tell mrs.Harris hi.
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