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Cheers Poems - Poems about Cheers

Cheers Poems - Examples of all types of poems about cheers to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for cheers.
Cheers To The Brave
Cheers to the heart That's truly bound A sincere fate. Cheers to the mind That's hit the nail In one strike. Cheers to the man Who meet his wife Amidst the rain. Cheers to the one Who wins first prize Despite all facts....Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, celebration, cheer up, success,
Form: Than-Bauk
Premium Member Jeers and Cheers
The crush of reporters with mikes the security entourage Autograph-seekers, well-wishers hand-shakers, selfie-fishers ...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, celebration, celebrity, dark, drink,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Bronx Cheers
Bronx cheers, muffled in December ‘The Boys of Summer’ have vanished ...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, december, farewell,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Holiday Seasons Cheers
Season of giving is here for all naughty or nice it does not matter fun laughter joy and a lot of chatter singing in front of a tree so tall Season of cheering is here for all bringing in the...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, celebration, christmas, holiday, new
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
None charms me more
No month charms me better than October, It needs no strong drink to make me sober. Cool as a cucumber, it brings delight, And joy as vast as Jupiter's great might. You bid farewell to September's with cheers, As you...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, cheer up, december, joy,
Form: Rhyme

Favours from the ancient of days
Those lines of waters, on my face, now dry, They were left there by my tears that didn't cry, They were the tears of good things God has done, They are for battles that have just been won. Those...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, blessing, cheer up, cry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Three Cheers for Fat
Stooped shoulders, shuffling gait Bulging belly, too much weight Double-chin, arms of flab Dissect me in the science lab ...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, body, cheer up, today,
Form: Couplet
Your intelligence, as good as driving amazing cars, You dole out goodness, generously to all your pals, Your wisdom, unassailably perches on the highest bar, While foolish people, buried their's in a maar. Your smiles burn sadness to a...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, appreciation, beautiful, celebration, character,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dissertation Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Cheers
In the world of code and creed, Heart and mind, a dualistic seed. Nights of work, days of strain, Drafts, redone, again, and again. Pixels blend with ancient thought, Ideas clash, are...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, creation, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Who Cheers the Cheerleader?
To figure you out holistically, I need to wade the waters cautiously A snap of a band on my wrist Every time I think of this I had my fifteen minutes of fame When you needed...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, devotion, heartbreak, introspection, mental
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cheers to cheerios
Cheers originated in the U.K., a long time ago, and is used as a toast as most people know.. It later evolved into cheerio, a form of farewell said to folks as they go.. Wanting to bring joy to the breakfast...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, words,
Form: Light Verse
Cheers to Life
Even some years ago I was processing thoughts like, real is the Santa Claus. But naive days have gone so quickly and I faced reality like falling from the peak suddenly. Now things like birthdays, New Year don't excite...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, 12th grade, abuse, confidence,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Christmas Cheers
poinsettias blooming on someone else’s mantel - clearly I see them guarded by two nutcrackers and cheered on by crackling fire ...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, christmas,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Cheers For the Janitor
As corporate cogs go home for the day Offices empty, regaining their still. Serene and reflective, sweeping away Janitor’s magic unfolds, if you will. His footfalls echo as the dusk falls fast, Away from the noise, he’s...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, inspirational, work,
Form: Sonnet
Cheers For the Janitor
Did you know At the community hall The janitor cleans For no pay at all Quietly cleaning Day and night Crumbs and wrappers In his sight He never complains He just gets on Busily cleaning Til all is gone Modestly...Read the rest...
Categories: cheers, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry