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Chandler Poems - Poems about Chandler

we who loved America part 4
...We, who loved America Part 4 When I came back to where I belonged  the country had changed; no one bought  arrow shirts anymore and jeans were made in China The streets of New York were viole......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, anti bullying, art, books,
Form: Blank verse
when bombs fall
...When bombs fall The defense minister of Israel threatens to bomb Lebanon back to the stone age Last time a person said this his name was Hitler If, the nice-mannered Putin had said this about ......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, absence, abuse, anger,
Form: Blank verse

furry mice
...Furry mice Many years ago, I was in Houston (Texas) to victualize a new cargo ship, back then a ship carried a large crew for all the functions needed. The ship chandler was keen to show me h......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, 6th grade, abortion, adventure,
Form: Blank verse
Matthew Perry, American Series Friends 1969 2023
...Matthew Perry, American series. »Friends » 1969 2023 Bye, Bye, Chandler Bing, You were the good friend, Always ready to make you laugh, You were Monica’s friend, In the American series «Friend......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, death of a friend,
Form: Free verse
Film Noir
...I am behind the large white wheel of an Oldsmobile. I am a page ripped from a Raymond Chandler novel. Clipped words curl close to my lips as hot as ash. Dreamy eyes are cold tonight, there will......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Sleep Deprivation
... Failing to get enough sleep or getting poor-quality sleep are resulting to health hazard; it is known fact, it makes us unfit to discharge daily acts with cheer. It's voluntary le......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, sleep,
Form: Sonnet
West Wind 2
...WEST WIND 2 Be willingly wise with worthy ways as us Westerners cos winter wind of woes wanders about like a wandering Wolf windsurfing in wildlife. Winter windup waves of weird wonder wondr......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, 1st grade, wind, winter,
Form: Alliteration
Staring Death In His Corner
...STARING DEATH IN HIS CORNER I'm not the best pound for pound boxer trading blow for blow This bout won't end in this 36th round, battling from the cradle from the set go when my eyes refuses......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, 1st grade, death, perspective,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Womens Group
...Feb. 6, 2021 Hello I was born normal on May 17, 1979 from Paranaque, Philippines. My name is Jacqueline Ramirez Mendoza and was taken from Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis. Given by my cousin, Jocelyn Pic......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, anxiety, christian, depression, god,
Form: Narrative
Saint James the Fisherman Day
...Saint James the Fisherman Day Rohr family was nicest and kindest; They had found it so hard to resist; High point there, They would share; A new Episcopal Church does exist. James Thomas Ho......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Poem By Chandler Fisher Theseus and the Minitaur
...As the dusk approaches, with a fusk grunt on his face, He realizes he has to do what's right; To save his people from the treacherous minotaur maze, To risk his life for people in vain. As the sa......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, cheer up, fantasy, happiness,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Nellie B Chandler 1897-1911
...Nellie B. Chandler 1897-1911 There I am. Here I am now. I am the six year old girl Behind the glass window That wide open wedge to the north From inside my classroom there At ......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, anxiety, child, death,
Form: Epitaph
Chandler N Wilson
...Chandler n.wilson misses his girlfrend , hooz parents made her step away! Chandler n.wilson wants a new girlfrend , sum one hoo will stay ! Loneley is a relative term . Lezbeins hoo want babeys......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, allegory, art,
Form: Bio
Comic Collecting
...Comic Collecting By Ian Van D. Chandler I have this comic. It’s the scariest comic I’ve ever read. Nothing tells me anything like these telling pictures. Sketched to action and tale. I......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, absence, angst, anxiety, identity,
Form: Pantoum
Premium Member To the Mothers and the Fathers
...To the Mothers and the Fathers (for David, Patti and Chandler) By Franklin Price To the mothers and the fathers For the children you have raised Who went to the Marine Corps One and all of yo......Read the rest...
Categories: chandler, anxiety, child, growing up,
Form: Rhyme

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