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Nellie B Chandler 1897-1911

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Poem #5 from "Voices From Mt. Olive Cemetery" A work in progress. An epitaph in extended form.

Nellie B. Chandler 1897-1911 There I am. Here I am now. I am the six year old girl Behind the glass window That wide open wedge to the north From inside my classroom there At Evergreen school, ‘neath The towering ascending elm trees there, Shrouded in immense shade. I am standing and staring there Daydreaming and yearning and desiring For my mama and papa To come get me here, Wishing and waiting, waiting and hoping For them to come get me and take me home. I hate it here! I hate school! My forward gaze to the north Extends out forever as the moon stretches its beams, outward outward, and beyond The limitless fantastic scenes in black space. I see out there to the north I see four faces in the distance there, Friendly faces, familiar faces Of family and friends, all Now asleep with me here, Here in the cool calm tombs Of Mt. Olive Cemetery. There I am. Here I am now. Mama. Papa. Come get me! I hate it here! I am waiting…waiting…waiting… Shrouded in immense shade.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 9/25/2016 12:53:00 AM
stark, nice poem, hope to see more of them.
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