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Bidet Poems - Poems about Bidet

Bidet Poems - Examples of all types of poems about bidet to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for bidet.
Premium Member Bidet
...Spray the bidet all up in your "A." May you feel way more than okay.......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, humor, humorous, rap,
Form: Crystalline
In the Outback
...“in the outback” g’day bidet......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, color,
Form: Free verse

Half a Dozen Plus Years Ago the Following Became a Near Reality
...Half a dozen plus years ago the following became a near reality Countdown to homelessness – mars this earthlinked sole Harris - son panhandler would would register pyrrhic victory won. 10…......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, age, america, anger, angst,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Evolution of the Toilet
...It wasn't all that long ago when a hole in the ground was where people would go. Many grew sick from lack of hygiene so some one invented the pit latrine. This greatly prevented the spread of disea......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, time,
Form: Narrative
A Psalm To Solemnize Pure Tin Forefathers Mothers
...A psalm to solemnize pure tin forefathers/mothers... Who didst unknowingly, unquestionably, and unwittingly script vitality and the prologue to Thanksgiving, (which theme poem initially writte......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, adventure, africa, age, america,
Form: Rhyme

Twice Told Toilet Tale a Cheeky Execrable Gross Fable
...Twice told toilet tale – a cheeky execrable gross fable which poetic product best be affixed with hashtag STINKY label. As a young whippersnapper and one precocious lad to boot, I discovere......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Summit Times Ja Just Gotta Walk Away
...Summit Times Ja Just Gotta Walk Away... Excusing yourself as if... going to the bidet, an immense water closet (perhaps the size of Mar A Lago type getup), sans human waste (after flushing......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, adventure, conflict, destiny, farewell,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lady Liberty
...The Statue of Liberty swam away. She's headed back to France today. The ladies crown got lost in the harbor. She cut off her hair at a near by barber. Some one out west claims they spotted her to......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, history,
Form: Light Verse
A Messy Room
...In that cheerful house room, Everything ok, by the air and the floor ... The notebooks of poetry, along with the soap boxes, Hangi......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, allegory, confusion, creation, extended
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Cletus O'Toole's Encounter With a Bidet
...Since toilet tissue is so hard to find He bought a bidet to cleanse his behind With the very first flush Cletus scalded his tush To use again he was not too ......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, humorous, scary,
Form: Limerick
...The teacher sat at her desk so straight And called the roll as each student would wait The lesson of the day was the plague of 2020 A history where there were facts a plenty It started in Wuhan......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, world,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Corona - Revised a Lot
...There’s a thing called Corona that’s going around, and the yakety-yak of it’s bringing folks down, for it’s not like some circus that’s coming to town! If you turn on your telly, you’ll probably h......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, sick,
Form: Rhyme
Summit Times Ja Just Gotta Walk Away
...Summit Times Ja Just Gotta Walk Away... Excusing yourself as if... going to the bidet, an immense water closet (perhaps the size of Mar A Lago type getup), sans human waste (after flushing) ......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, abuse, betrayal, deep, environment,
Form: Political Verse
...Cinq à Sept En Pigalle, Mme. Paradigm Claims lust is a blessing sublime To have it your way Squat on her bidet And get home to your spouse on time! Les Gendarmes say, "'Tis a crime ......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, culture, french, lust, passion,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Legendary Adventure Moments of Doctor Hermione Baggin
...“The Legendary Adventure Moments of Doctor Hermione Baggins the Reddish of Winterhold, The Master Sith Rainbow Lord Lulu Pucca, Cloud Kitty Carla Chandra the Ruby Rose, and Rand O'From Equestria the ......Read the rest...
Categories: bidet, fantasy, friendship, funny, games,
Form: I do not know?

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry