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Best Stepping Stone Poems

Below are the all-time best Stepping Stone poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of stepping stone poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member The Stepping Stone
What wondrous goal makes tiny planet Earth
   a stepping stone in life's eternal sea?
What spectral promise gives its journey worth

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Categories: stepping stone, death, heaven, life, planet,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Stepping Stone
The day fast fades
the end draws near
our time is fleeting
so brief and so dear

Over and over
I longed for you so
the longing unanswered
and so I must...

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Categories: stepping stone, life, love hurts, moving
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stepping-Stone :::: Itty Bitty
(no more, no less)
The first stepping-stone
To success.


Third & Final Itty Bitty Contest
Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich
Placing: 6th...

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Categories: stepping stone, success,
Form: Verse

Last Stepping Stone..
Hope is the Closest step to fear


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Categories: stepping stone, life
The Stepping-Stone Connected To Eternity
because life is limited
men measure the length of life 
using the rulers marked to their own standard;
some cry, some sigh, some worry to death, while...

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© Su Ben  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stepping stone, anxiety, death, destiny, life,
Form: Free verse
Stepping Stone Soldiers
Our frozen bones,
have drifted far from home,
most of our days,
were paved with stepping stones,
set in our ways,
we left it all long ago,
buried alive,
under those stepping...

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Categories: stepping stone, introspection, pain,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member Stepping Stone Soup
Vegetables now ready
Peeled and so fresh
It's potato and Welsh leek
Mm, stepping stone soup
Delicious in taste

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Categories: stepping stone, food
Form: Epulaeryu
Stepping Stone
You know that all you have to do is shout
And I'll be there;
At anytime you find yourself in doubt,
I'd be near.

I'm always the one you...

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Categories: stepping stone, angst, lost love, love
Just a Stepping Stone
Just a stepping stone
That starts us on our path
Through this journey filled with hope
Of success in which to grasp

Also along the way
There are many ups...

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Categories: stepping stone, inspirational
Form: Dramatic Monologue
I'M Not Your Stepping Stone
stepping stones realms is

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Categories: stepping stone, faith, imagination, inspirational, nature,
Form: Haiku
The Stepping Stone
I’ve been robbed of perfection
Then starved for attention
When I though I’d found love
She gave up, without mention

I’ve endured pain for my wisdom
Then lost my mind...

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Categories: stepping stone, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stepping Stone
There is a journey out there; it can’t be taken alone
I am happy to help you, and be your stepping stone

Of course you will pass...

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Categories: stepping stone, appreciation, journey, meaningful, perspective,
Form: Couplet
A Message For You - Mia

Failing in your efforts to achieve your cherished dream
Are just the keys to the possible success supreme;
If your steps to reach the peak in the...

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Categories: stepping stone, success,
Form: Acrostic
at the other side of river 
are the stolen roots of healing-moon-giving trees 
left by wayward wind. 
my skin whispers—
wind is traversing to reach the...

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Categories: stepping stone, adventure, art, dark, destiny,
Form: Free verse
Suffering As a Springboard
Preparing The Lips for repeated groans
And The Heart for as many moans,
Left long in it one’s contacting phone:
“To whom it concerns I’m pitiably alone!”

Suffering never...

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Categories: stepping stone, cheer up, courage, cry,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs