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The Stepping-Stone Connected To Eternity

because life is limited men measure the length of life using the rulers marked to their own standard; some cry, some sigh, some worry to death, while others, tremble with uncontrollable rage; yet they struggle to stretch their life as long as they can and hold onto it, though they know very well life is misery the poor kneel down at dawn in front of unknown divine spirits, offering freshly drawn water and begging for relief from dire poverty and for a better life; the rich are hanging onto the elixir of eternal life, which was tens of thousands of years of constant exertions to discover; but the ends are the same, every one most go someday and that’s why, though not of own will, but with closed resigning eyes submit to death and that makes me wonder why pathetic life is not worth stretching or reincarnating though, everyone is hanging onto an illusory hope that is thinner than a spider web agonizing to extend it; no matter how large sum the money you spend there is no miracle drug warrants for eternal life; no matter how much you cry at the top of your voice there is no spirit would hear your cry; every life, poor or rich, must go one day why doesn’t anyone admit themselves that every life is destined from birth to die? all are dwelling on this side of the river for a while and time comes most cross the river. they step on the stepping stones that extend to the eternal world laying beyond yonder horizon. even though this world may be a challenging place to live for a while. last night, I saw many souls crossing over the stepping stones to the other side of the world, they looked so pathetic because they were dragging their feet with drooping shoulders as if cows taken to a slaughterhouse

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 12/5/2015 8:00:00 PM
I grew up poor. I know what that feels like, and to be poor in spirit. I felt like what you describe, and have asked similar questions. But I know God is real now and there is joy to be found. There is too much life in us for death to be what we are living for. I appreciate your honesty, Su. You are a great writer.
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Su Ben
Date: 12/6/2015 6:02:00 PM
Thank you Falling, I really appreciate you good words. Su

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