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Basking Poems - Poems about Basking

Basking Robins and Droning Wasps
Late afternoon October 15th, 2022 a spring like day witnessed nature in surround sound, whereby reflection spurred reminiscence about similar weather a few years ago when... Serious intent to read latest issue of TIME magazine found attention pleasantly distracted, when I became keenly aware of...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member It Was In the Snow
It might have been the wind that blew him in. The windows rattled from the blow. The trees dropped their leaves and swayed to and fro. It had to be the rain that dripped...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, lost love,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Basking With Delight
Under shade of heaven, exposing a cheerful firmament… my special child, mirth-filled, basked with delight since he had in his possession, freedom-might precious more than gold for optimized play engagement. Midst temperate weather, calmed by azure sky… his boyish complexion...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, appreciation, blessing, child, christian,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
May day...I'm at the back Listening to Chinese traditional music: That bamboo flute in tuning, Synchronizing with my thoughts Amazed at our species capabilities, All hail earthlings, keep the rain for me! Serving services and handling handles, Clumsy hands, O pardon me...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, inspiration, integrity, may,
Form: List
Basking Robins and Droning Wasps
Serious intent to read latest issue of TIME magazine found attention pleasantly distracted, when I became keenly aware of flora and fauna bursting, blooming, buzzing, and twittering oblivious to yours truly sitting stock still in folding lawn chair marveling at each budding natural born...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, appreciation, april, birth, celebration,
Form: Pastoral

Premium Member Basking On White Sands
Basking On White Sands white sandy beach opened her arms to me I ran to her shores lapping the blue seas sun, water and wind blend her triple treats a godsend sets of big waves came, and white sands glee connie...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, beach, beautiful, love,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Basking On the Acceptance
I’m most in need of a pure dentition to make each of my flow stay correct I fall to her hype of perfection on each of her ten Nays, I resurrect the ship sail gets bad on navigation my mast...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, boyfriend, girlfriend, i love
Form: Sonnet
Basking In the Glory of the Anointment
there are no limits to where i can go when i'm walking on the sand peace and contentment are a close stones throw and they perfectly go hand in hand in the ocean breeze I can fully breathe and I...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, beach, joy, ocean, peace,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Basking In the Light
BASKING IN LIGHT I have no clue Why you feeling blur Forget about any overdue Rather quest for various hues Outside there's MR. Sunlight Filling the sky with its bright Men and women on sight Wonderful in broad daylight Come feel the humid hush...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, earth day, fantasy, feelings,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member Basking In Moonshine, Translation of Paul Verlaine's Clare De Lune
Basking in Moonshine, Translation of Paul Verlaine’s Claire de lune (Translation of Paul Verlaine’s « Claire de lune » by T. Wignesan. Again I try to keep to the original syntactic patterns and visible layout,...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, moon,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Basking Turtle
I'm camped on the shoreline in a very thick bog area, surrounded by sounds of crickets, frogs and other voices of nature. A turtle basks just above the water's surface. For hours I relax and peacefully view it, but...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Basking In Moonlight
Basking in moonlight, just you and I. All around us is only the sea. On a bed of pearl white sand we lie basking in moonlight, just you and I watching clouds drift in a sapphire sky. Balmy breezes, sweet...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, nature, peace,
Form: Rhyme
when the rain has stopped falling down upon our heads--- we see people flocking out & under the sun to collect the beams to bathe in the vitamin d to flee the seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which may have started to set in when the serotonin has increasingly been depleting in the brain during...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, lifesun,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Basking
I lie here basking in late summer’s dwindling rays and I contemplate. . . all that which I have: knowledge, skills, comfort, good health, family and friends; those things I’ve always possessed; those wished for. . . now manifest. summer’s sun...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, happiness
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Basking In Life
1. I am a poetry book. My title is "Basking in Life." 2. This book contains many chapters dealing with those things in which I bask, meaning, the things that brighten my...Read the rest...
Categories: basking, on writing and wordshumorous,
Form: Senryu

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