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Attribute Poems - Poems about Attribute

Attribute Poems - Examples of all types of poems about attribute to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for attribute.

Recruit With An Attribute
Recruit with an Attribute Results of action was to recruit, And enlist with a wild attribute; Up now fired, And inspired; Did look plump in a parachute. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Is Consistency a Divine Attribute
Is Consistency a Divine Attribute? Is it just ‘faith’ or proven ‘fact’ tomorrows’ suns will rise? Were rainbows there before the flood, ‘Old Testament’ more lies Or metaphors for ‘Truth’ that stands? The ancients understood, They trusted this consistency;...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, faith,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Attribute Two My Knew Poet Tree Book Edit Tor
Attribute two my poet tree book edit tor I no that the write punk chew asian, speeling and grammer are sew impotent when righting poet tree, don’t chew think sew two? Sow four my book eye...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, for her, humorous, poetry,
Form: Verse
Attribute To All Mother
Mother is sweet to the moon, Mother happiness is ours. Gave us love, Self co-operative the blues. Whatever the demand, whenever we, Mother did it , We Offer that sacrifice. Mother protector is ours, Mother is prosperity with her, Nothing more than mother, we are...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, abortion, absence, adventure, africa,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Hub With a Strong Attribute of Independence
A blessed mass in the stomach of the Americas, a large crocodile between the North and the South, the finest of its productivity lie in sugars and cigars which are well registered in the global books of gratitude and...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, community, earth, education, environment,
Form: Ode

Attribute To Clive Rights King
you stood tall you was our wall it was time fall heaven made the call it was plain you stood by man with a plan you both did your thing you will for ever live in our heads THO YOUR DEAD ATTRIBUTE TO CLIVE RIGHTS KING...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, adventure, black african american,
Form: Light Verse
An Attribute of Dr Maya Angelou
A seed is to produce whether it brings forth fruit or the truth. In life, there is a light that incites and provides insight. Justice is taught through philosophical thoughts and the thinking of scholars. Through her aura...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, appreciation, bereavement, black african
Form: Verse
Attribute To Soul Heaven
up high in the sky it the best we had yet there soul is still gold they did it for all had a ball the music will give and live forever ATTRIBUTE TO SOUL HEAVEN...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, adventure, angel, nostalgia,
Form: Light Verse
Attribute To a King
he is looking down at those hate clowns some still around he did his the thing made a dream some said was mean come ture we all should what his love would bring ATTRIBUTE TO A KING...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, adventure, black african american,
Form: Light Verse
Attribute To Soul Heaven
here they most were born theyer gone there sprit lives on some names who had fame there's sam-cooke his music alway book other too otis joe texs and the rest who music will live forever ATTRIBUTE TO SOUL HEAVEN...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, black african american, history,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member The Attribute of the Strong, Not For the Weak-W
To err is human, to persist is the devil’s way God forgives us, so some act in a godlike way Though seems difficult, but a good doctrine To err is human, to forgive is divine with option. Suppose...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, cancer, introspection,
Form: Kyrielle
Premium Member Attribute
Attribute we all cheer for someone with personnA we applaud those with humorous retorT love can come with one whom we trusT while polite demeanor shall carry us faR refrain from self infatuation, cleave the I from your self...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, socialhumorous, self, self,
Form: Free verse
Man dies on cross Virgin has a baby, Man builds bomb, Woman cries "you're crazy" What is truth? What do we disprove? What religion do we rely? Preeminent hope? once masters of succession now reduced...Read the rest...
Categories: attribute, passion, religion,
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry